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THE old house of Knockdolion stood near the water of Girvan, with a black stone at the end of it. A mermaid used to come from the water at night, and taking her seat upon this stone, would sing for hours, at the same time combing her long yellow hair. The lady of Knockdolion found that this serenade was an annoyance to her baby, and she thought proper to attempt getting quit of it, by causing the stone to be broken by her servants. The mermaid, coming next night, and finding her favourite seat gone, sang thus--

Ye may think on your cradle--I'll think on my stane;
And there'll never be an heir to Knockdolion again."


p. 196

[paragraph continues] Soon after, the cradle was found overturned, and the baby dead under it. It is added that the family soon after became extinct.


195:1 Chambers, Popular Rhymes of Scotland.

Next: The Young Laird Of Lorntie