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                              Satanism, A Personal Definition 
                                        By Delphine

          Please keep in mind that Satanism is a *very* individualistic
          religion,  and if  you  asked 50  Satanists  what Satanism  is,  you'd
          probably get 60  different responses.  As a  solitaire Satanist,  I'll
          have a go at this..  but I'm pretty bad at trying to  summarize what I
          believe, so please feel free to ask me questions.

          For me, these are the most important things I believe as a Satanist:
          *I believe in Satan as a literal entity. Many other Satanists do not,
          esp. those from the LaVey school of thought.

          *Satan is NOT a fallen angel, or a lesser created being, but instead a
          deity with as much power  (for lack of a better word) as any other. He
          is  the Shadow, a Destroying Deity.. and by such destruction,he purif-
          ies, for death of anything leads  the way for rebirth. He is  a symbol
          of rebellion, of pride, and of righteous anger.  He brings freedom, in
          many different ways.

          * My first care  is to myself, for if  I am unable to serve  myself, I
          have no basis by which to judge the actions of others. I strive for
          excellence, in a sense, very close to what Setians call "Xeper".

          *I believe in  free will,  with the understanding  that "with  freedom
          comes  responsibility".  I do  not accept  the  threefold law,  or any
          specific prohibitions like "harm  none". In relating to others,  I use
          the rule "do  unto others  AS they  do unto you".  If I  am harmed  or
          treated with  dishonor, I will not continue to treat such persons in a
          way that is more than they deserve. Revenge, at the proper time and in
          a fitting manner, is acceptable behavior. If there are consequences to
          such revenge, I will accept them responsibly.

          *I will  endeavor to  be honorable  about my own  actions, and  I will
          expect the same behavior from others.

          *I see Satan in Nature, in the floods, hurricanes, volcanoes, and
          tidal waves. I see fundamental laws in Nature, that death is as
          necessary as life. I am humbled and empowered by this, for though it
          blindly destroys, it is yet a part of me, as deity is immanent and
          transcendant to me. Satan the transcendant is that excellence that I
          strive for, Satan the immanent is the spark in me that strives.

          * I am polytheistic. The divine, to me, is like a jewel with many
          facets, each a part of us, each with something to teach us. No such
          lesson, to me , is greater or lesser than any other; but are instead
          more or less appropriate for a person at a given time.

          There is  a great deal  more I could  say, and in  greater detail, but
          this covers  a large part of Satanism to  me. Of course, I'm sure that
          Diane Vera, Sheryl, Balanone,  and others will have  different beliefs
          than I do.  It seems that individualism and personal  pride seem to be
          the link between most serious Satanists.



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