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2101 July 31, 1991 10:30 EDT This file contain a transcript of the 1991 Lammas ritual held online in the CompuServe RELIGION forum Section 8. The participants were: User User ID Name ---- ------------- ------------------- 1 72065,425 Cygnus 2 72730,2603 gaius 3 71600,621 Jehana 4 73715,1552 Larne 7 76304,3712 HAWK 8 71640,3711 SilverHawk 10 75325,1441 Shadow Hawk 12 71510,73 Peggy This evenings ritual was designed and led by Shadow Hawk. *********************************************************************- ********************************************************************* { } denotes an edit. Text in {} has been changed, moved or editied in some fashion AFTER the ritual was complete. ( ) denotes action. If you see (text) in parentheses, it indicates something you should do. " " denotes something to say verbally. If you see "text" in quotes, it is something for you to repeat. If you see text by itself, read and follow along, ok? *********************************************************************- ********************************************************************* Ok, you all will need bread, charcoal, a cauldron/braiser of some kind... that you can ignite the charcoal in. Does everyone know what Lammas is all about? Ok, Lammas is a ritual dedicated to the Sun God, or the Corn God Or a variety of other Gods that are known as sacrificial gods called because the ancients believed that the sun at it's highest point (middle of summer) died, and that the essense went into the food to sustain life during the long cold winter ahead. This is the time of the Corn King, as was said, the first of the Harvest times when the first crops were brought in. ok, then, we begin... LAMMAS 2102 * (Visualize a cloud of incense falling across the world, cleansing and purifying, and saying,) "By the Spirits of Air and Fire I cleanse thee." (Visualize a rain of water and the strength of the Earth rising up and say,) "By the Creatures of Water and Earth I cleanse thee." * (Everyone visualize and connect with the south, the element of Fire.) Ye Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South, ye Powers of Fire; Spirits of Illumination and Desire, I do summon, stir, and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle. (Connect with the West and the spirit of Water, ) Ye Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West, ye Powers of Water; Spirits of Death and Initiation, I do Summon, stir, and call upon you to Witness our Rites and to guard the Circle. (Connect with the North and the spirit of Earth,) Ye Guardians of the Watchtower of the North, ye Powers of Earth, Keepers of the Northern Portals, Spirits of Mountain and Plains, I do summon, stir, and call upon you to witness our Rites and to Guard the Circle. (Connect with the East and the spirit of Air, ) Ye Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East, ye Powers of Air; Spirits of Clear Will and Knowledge, I do summon, stir, and call you up, to witness our rites and to guard the Circle. (Visualize the Earth Herself illuminated in a Circle of silver Light. ) 2103 The Circle is cast, we are between the worlds, beyond the boundaries of time, where Night and Day Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow, meet as one. * Listen to the words of the Great Mother, she whom of old was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Brid, and by many other names. Whenever you have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Her, who is Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets, to these will She teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites, and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in Her praise. For Her's is the secret door that opens upon the Land of Youth, and Her's is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. She is the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of Joy unto the hearts of Man. Upon Earth, She gives knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death, She gives peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor does She demand sacrifice, for behold, She is the Mother of all living, and her Love is poured out upon the Earth. Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, and whose body encircles the Universe. She who is the beauty of the green Earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the hearts of man, calls unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto Her. For She is the soul of Nature, who gives life to the universe. From Her all things proceed, and unto Her all things must return, and before Her face, beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let Her worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold, all act of love and pleasure are Her rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and 2104 strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for Her, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery, that if what thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou shalt never find it without thee. For behold, She has been with thee from the beginning, and She is that which is attained at the end of desire. * (Light charcoal and Take piece of bread in hand. ) now is the time to light your charcoal, and take the bread in hand. This is the time of Lugh, the Shining One, the Bright One, the Golden One, the Sacrificed One. He was conceived in the depths of Winter, was Born in the Spring, Danced and Loved in the Summer, and now, He Dies in the Harvest so that we may Live through the long Winter's Night. Corn King, Sun King, Die and Be Reborn! (Feel the death in the bread, the grains that grew under the Sun, feeling the wind and the rain on their husks, the sything of the grain so that the bread may be made, the sacrifice of Life so that Life could live. ) (Feel the Life in the bread, that which has given up life, yet is filled with life, with the sustanence that it provides, contemplate hunger, and then the filling of that need. See enough bread to feed the world., for the God{dess} is not stingy, but looks after all Her Children. ) (Holding the Bread in your hand, offer it up for Blessings. ) "Oh Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness, give us fruit and grain, flocks and herds, and children to the tribe, that we may mighty. By the Rose of thy love, do thou descend upon the body of thy children." "Behold, the Holly King is dead, he who is also the Corn King. He has embraced the Great Mother, and died of his love, so has it been, year by year, since time began. But if the 2105 Holly King is dead, he who is the God of the Waning Year, all is dead; all that sleeps in Her womb of Earth would sleep forever. What shall we do therefore, that the Holly King may live again?" "We Shall eat of the bread of Life. Then shall sleep lead on to rebirth." (Tear off part of the Bread and offer it to the Flame. As it ignites and smokes, see the spark of life that will be reborne in the womb of the Earth Mother in the Winter.) As the bread smokes, see life and death in the smoke, one lives on the other... and without both, we would not be. "Come back to us, Holly King, that the land may be fruitful." I am the battle-waging spear; I am a salmon in the pool; I am a hill of poetry; I am a ruthless boar; I am a threatening noise of the sea; I am a wave of the sea; Who but I knows the secrets of the unhewn dolmen? (Feel the Essense of the God, His Birth, His Life, and His Death, Gentle tongue, endless passion, strength of His arms, the Warmth of His Touch, and know that Thou art God as well.) (Eat the Bread, and feel the essense of the God on your tongue, and filling your body with strenth for the trials of the Harvest and Winter.) * {(Connect with the East and feel the Air dying down.) Ye Powers of the East, thanks be yours for attending our Rites, and ere ye depart to your Sacred realms, we bid you Hail and farewell.} (Connect with the North and feel the Earth sinking down) Ye Powers of the North, thanks be yours for 2106 attending our Rites, and ere ye depart to your Sacred realms, we bid you Hail and farewell. (Connect with the West and feel the ocean retreating.) Ye Powers of the West, thanks be yours for attending our Rites, and ere ye depart to your Sacred realms, we bid you Hail and farewell. (Connect with the South and feel the fire subsiding.) Ye Powers of the South, thanks be yours for attending our Rites, and ere ye depart to your Sacred realms, we bid you Hail and farewell. (Visualize the Circle expanding, beyond the earth and out into space, bringing health and good harvest throughout the world.) "The Circle is Open, but never Broken, Merry Meet, and Merry Part, and Merry Meet again!" ********************************************************************* THIS IS THE END OF THE 1991 LAMMAS ONLINE RITUAL. Thanks to Shadow Hawk for leading us this evening and thank you all for attending (past or present) and I hope you will be able to join us in person for our next gathering. If you have any questions or comments, you can contact: 75325,1441 - Shadow Hawk 71600,621 - Jehana 71640,3711 - SilverHawk On the CompuServe RELIGION forum in Section 8 (NewAge/Pagan/Occult). Peace and prosperity to you and yours. SilverHawk \*/ S 2107 CompuServe On-Line Lammas Ritual, 1990 << Shadow Hawk has asked us for our locations to aid in >> << plotting the circle. >> (8-4,Jehana) Danbury Conn (8-12,NC) New York (8-1,Ladyhawk) LA county, California (8-9,SilverHawk) Elk Grove Village, IL (8-11,Larne) New Haven, CT. (8-13,Dale) Long Island New York (8-16,Shadowstar) Houston, Texas (8-3,gnat) Chicagaw, Illinoise (8-7,Rilla) Grand Rapids, Michigan (8-5,Gwynndon) Baton Rouge, La (8-17,Caitlin) LeLeesburg, VA << An explanation of the ritual has been requested >> (8-8,SH) Lammas is the time where the fields are ready for harvesting, and it is too late to worry if you have done enough for the oncoming winter. It is a Corn God, (Lugh) oriented festival. It is a celibration and rememberance for the life that dies... so that life may live. << --------------------- STARTING ------------------->> (8-8,SH) beginning.... As you sit, begin slow deep breaths... relax, center, feel the earth beneath your feet feel the life coursing in your veins feel the breath flowing in your lungs feel the feel of being alive savor that, be that, experience that aliveness, for winter is coming. (8-8,SH) We draw the Circle, beginning in the south. In your mind's eye, see the Circle of Fire as it stretches in an arc from Texas, upward, sweeping curve, to California. As the circle passes the West, the Fire becomes Water, and a line of liquid blue sweeps upward and across the country to the north, far North, into the home of Earth. The Circle of liquid Blue now becomes dark, dark as the fertile earth, and the arc proceeds to the East, to the home of Air, where the Circle becomes yellow. The Arc continues on to the South, to the home of Fire, and the Circle is Cast, We are in the place Between the Worlds, outside the Space of Time, where Life and Death have no meaning. We have come home. (8-8,SH) Shadowstar, from the South, will you please invoke the Watchtower of the South, as is your right? Ladyhawk, from the West, will you invoke the Watchtower of the West... when Shadowstar is finished? 2108 (8-16,Shadowstar) Hail, Watcher of the South, Power of Fire! Join us here this night and be welcome! (8-8,SH) Blessed BE (8-1,Ladyhawk) Hail, Watcher of the West, Lord of the oceans, rain and lakes... I bid you come, join us in this rite and lend your protection... Be welcome! Blessed Be! (8-8,SH) Blessed BE! (8-8,SH) Jehana, will you invoke the Watchtower of the North? (8-4,Jehana) Hail, Watcher of the North... Earth; the bones of the continents beneath our feet... Hail and welcome (8-8,SH) Caitlin, will you proceed? (8-17,Caitlin) Hail, great spirit and watcher of the East.... spirit of Air, which nourishes all that lives.... come now to our circle; cleanse us and help us to travel... freely in your world, aided by your force. Blessed be! (8-8,SH) Blessed Be! (8-8,SH) Hail Lady, Bright Mother, Dark Mother... We call to you, from your home in the Stars, From your home beneath our feet, your children call to you. Come, be with us, guide us tonight in your Rites. Hail Sun God, Hail Corn God, we call you you. From your Fiery Chariot, we bid you come... From the Fertile Fields, we bid you come... Be with us, guide us, in your Rite tonight. Now is the time of the death of the Sun God, as we walk into the dark of night. Breath deep of the light of the Golden One, Lugh, the Sun King, for the long nights are coming. Now is the time of the death of the Corn King, who dies as the fields are reaped. We stand in the time of waiting, for the fall of winter is upon us, and the ground shall lie lifeless under the hand of the Reaper. Look at the fields of your life. Have you sown well? Have you tended your fields with care? What do you fear? (8-8,SH) Now, take your candle, and light it. Now, take a piece of bread in your hand, a small piece, and hold it 2109 think about your fears that haunt you in the night... focus them into the bread, and chant the name of your fear into the piece of bread. when you have focused your fear into the bread, hold the charged bread to the flame, and chant your fear BEGONE! As the bread smokes and blackens, your fears are burned away all fears are burned away Take these fears and feed them to the Fire, free yourself from fear. Give your fears to the fire, and let them go, you do not need them. (8-8,SH) In this fire, may it pass from me, May it pass, May it pass, May it pass on the outflowing tide And burn with the red sun As the year dies And fade As everything fades, As everything passes, All fades away, As everything passes, All fades away. What do you hope to harvest? Think about your Harvest, what will you reap? (8-8,SH) take the rest of the bread, and hold it in your hand, Chant what you desire, what is your harvest, what are your hopes? (8-8,SH) In this night hope manifests May it come, may it come, May it come on rising tide, And grow by the red sun As the year dies And light fades As hope rises As hope soars As hope remains As hope soars As hope remains Hope is a Star, burning bright in the night (8-8,SH) Feel the hope charge the bread of Life tear the bread in half (8-8,SH) Behold the Corn King, eat of the Bread of Life, that dies to be reborn. Eat of the Bread of Life, that you might live through the long winter's Night. For it is written that Life must die so that Life can live. All is in the hands of the Mother, from Birth, until Death, and to Birth again. 2110 Farewell Golden One, Fairwell Corn King, Fairwell Sun King. You will be reborn through the Mother, Creatrix and Destructress. We shall await your return. Corn King, Life King, Death King, your death will bring us life. (8-8,SH) Hail Corn King Golden One, Waving Gently in the Sun, Brought to rest by scythe's sharp kiss Sleep in Her arms. (8-8,SH) Take of the Bread of Life, the Corn King, and eat, that you may live through the long nights ahead. Eat the Bread of Life, and remember, life dies so that Life lives. the bread that is left, offer to Her, so that Her creatures may live though the long nights ahead too. later tonight, place the bread outside with a prayer and your thanks for the gift of Life. Breath deep, feel the Life within Feel the veins throb with life Feel the bread of Life recharging your life force. Meditate on this, that Life comes from Death, and Death from Life. The cycle goes around, and we are a part of it, as surely as the Corn King himself. (8-8,SH) Caitlen, will you dismiss the Watchtower of the East please? (8-17,Caitlin) Blessed be, you spirits of the air; depart in the peace of the Lady.... thank you for attending on our call. Stay with us as we pass through this earth. Blessed be (8-8,SH) Blessed Be (8-8,SH) Jehana, will you dismiss the Watchtowers of the North, please? (8-4,Jehana) Blessed be, Creatures and Watchers of the North... Of the land beneath our feet.... Thank you for attending to our call, .... Hail, and Farewell!! (8-8,SH) Blessed Be (8-8,SH) Ladyhawk, will you dismiss the Watchtower of the West? (8-1,Ladyhawk) Hail Watchers of the West, Lords of Water... Thank you for attending our call, 2111 Hail and Farewell!! (8-8,SH) Blessed Be (8-8,SH) Shadowstar, will you dismiss the Watchtower of the South, please? (8-16,Shadowstar) Hail Watcher of the South, Power of Fire! Our thanks for attending our call. Hail and Farewell!! (8-8,SH) Blessed Be (8-8,SH) Hail Lady Faire, thank you for attending our Rite tonight... for the Blessings you have given us, the gift of Life. Hail Sun King, Corn King for the gift that you have given us... the gift of Life. Lady and Lord, we thank you for your attendance to this your Rite... And may we walk with the knowledge of you in our thoughts... and the Love of you in our hearts. Farewell Lady, Farewell Lord, and Thank you. Blessed Be (8-8,SH) Now see the Circle around us sinking down, down into the Earth... Carrying Life itself into the ground, fertilizing and charging the Earth for the coming night. Gradually, the Circle disappears from sight, slowly dissolving, starting in the East, moving back, retracing it's path to the north, and from there to the west. From the west back to the South, ending at the beginning. And we are returned to this world. The Circle is open, but never broken (8-8,SH) Merry Meet, and Merry Part And Merry Meet again! << This marks the end of tonight's Rite. The Rite is over but >> << the revelry has just begun !! >> 2112 CompuServe on-line Imbolc Ritual, 1993 (8-8,Jehana) You are sitting in your room, the computer before you... You feel your own power and energy building, growing... A pale blue light surrounds you... It expands out and away from you, forming into blue flame... Growing, growing, reaching ever outwards... Boston... Boston blue flame ... energy grid... moving outward... Connecticut... Shelton.... Brookfield... blue flame.... energy grid.. moving outward... New York City.... blue flame, speeding southwards... Jersey City.... Blue flame , spreading southwards... Baton Rouge... Westwards.... Northwards... Blue flame, energy, powergrid, connecting... Detroit.... Blue flame, racing back towards east... Connecting Boston. The Circle is Cast... The Circle is fluid; those who seek to gate in late may well expand this circle. The Circle Is Cast. (8-18,Tapestry) Guardians of the East. We welcome you. Your breath of fresh air. Your spring breezes. Your new beginnings; and their promise of infinite potential. Be here now! Guardians of the South. We welcome you. That spark of life that smolders within the slumbering seed and the pregnant ewe and the forsythia buds. Your promise of Summer's heat. The urgency of love's passion. Be here now! Guardians of the West. We welcome you. The melting ice, dripping from the eaves. The spring rain that mistily drapes us with love. The healing sound of water burbling from a spring. Be here Now! Guardians of the North. We welcome you. The rocks beneath the winter snow. The roots of trees seeking earth's warmth downward. The swell of the hills, the thrust of the great mountains, The tracks of the wolf in the new-fallen snow. Be here now! (8-8,Jehana) We call upon Brighid, patron Goddess of 2113 the Fires of the Forge; the Fires of Inspiration. We call upon Brighid, patron Goddess of the waters that give life Giving life, transforming seeds buried deep below the frost into the amazing gift of Growth and Possibility and Potential. We call upon Brighid and become like the Sword, forged by fire, and tempered by water. Hail, and Greetings! (Here, any and all are welcome to mention their own personal invocations) (8-13,Babs) Hail Lady of the Forge. (8-22,Lynne) I call white and golden light to the Earth for her healing I ask Bridget to send a blessing onto the Earth (8-13,Babs) Make it so. (8-18,Tapestry) Hold a seed in your hand. Project yourself beyond the hard seed covering. To the soft kernel inside. At one end of the kernel is a tiny, sharp point. The kernel can split in half and the sharp point becomes a tiny germinal plant. Imagine the seed planted in the soft soil of the garden. The snow covering the ground insulates the seed from the cold winter winds as it sleeps. The tiny germ feels the gentle warming of the sun and the moisture of the melting snow as it slowly wakens. This wakening of the tiny, hidden embryo of the plant is Imbolc - the first stirrings of Spring. The time when the tiny seedling thrusts roots into the soil, and prepares leaves to capture the sun's future nourishment and warmth. When the ground is soft, the snow gone, and the sun smiling upon the land it will be ready. Imbolc is the time when the pregnant mares develop bulging udders for their foals, and about two weeks before they deliver, the oozing colostrum dries into a waxy covering on the teats. When this happens, the farmer knows that her time is near. Spring will arrive soon, and both the mare and the farmer will be ready. This is Imb-olc. The name comes from the "Oim" (ewe's) - "olc" (milk). The ewe's udder, like the mare's, swells and prepares for the birth of twin lambs - usually in late February or early March. This sign was very important for herdsmen in the north because ewes usually look for a secluded place to give birth, and if her time was near with a bitter cold snap or late winter storm brewing, the results could be disastrous. This is also a day one-third through the Celtic Lunar 2114 Month of Luis; the Rowan tree. The celebration of Brighid's (Breed) Day, or Candlemas, one of the 4 Great Fire Festivals of the Celtic Year. The others are: Beltane, Lammas, and Samhain. For each, a balefire, bonefire, or candle was lit to mark the spiritual beginning of the season. It was seen as the rebirth of spirit, the spiralling out again from darkness. Let us go to sleep tonight thinking about these new beginnings. These new births, and the beginning of our new selves. To concentrate on our own beginnings within the womb of the Mother. How we begin anew with the understanding, compassion, and love conceived within her fertility. Let us concentrate on maintaining a groundedness within Her. Concentrate on learning to focus ourselves to the tasks at hand and complete them with the calmness of knowing that She guides our every move and thought. In so doing, we will become more caring and competent, loving and assured. (8-8,Jehana) (Pause to reflect and meditate on this) Thank you, Brighid. We accept Your gifts and Your blessings. Hail and Farewell ! (8-8,Jehana) Guardians of the East, we thank you. For your breath of fresh air, for your spring breezes, for the new beginnings you bring us, we thank you! Hail and Farewell! Guardians of the South, we thank you. Reminding us of the spark of life that smolders within the slumbering seed, the pregnant ewe, the forsythia buds. For your promise of Summer's heat, for the urgency of love's passion, we thank you! Hail and Farewell! Guardians of the West, we thank you. The melting ice, dripping from the eaves. The spring rain that drapes us with love. For the healing sound of water burbling from a spring, we thank you! Hail and Farewell! Guardians of the North, we thank you. For the rocks beneath the winter snow. For the roots of trees seeking earth's warmth downward; the swell of the hills, the thrust of the great mountains, The tracks of the wolf in the new-fallen snow. we thank you! Hail and Farewell! 2115 (8-8,Jehana) The energy that surrounds us, contains us; the blue flame... See it... Visualize the blue flames that surround this our Circle See them flame brightly. And now, widdershins, the blue flame starts to fade. Fire seal the Circle round, Let it fade beneath the ground Let all things be as they were Since the Beginning of Time. 2116 Full Moon Ritual April 1993 (1-2,High Priestess) Children of the Lady, Gather you around this night, (1-2,High Priestess) For as in days of olde, we are commanded to reverence Her, (1-2,High Priestess) She who is the Life of Life, the Love of Love and the Kiss (1-2,High Priestess) of Passion. (1-2,High Priestess) Children of the Lady, Gather you around this night, (1-2,High Priestess) For as in days of olde, we are commanded to come before (1-2,High Priestess) Her, She who is the Queen of Heaven and the Queen of Hel, (1-2,High Priestess) and she who is the Queen of Everwhen. (1-2,High Priestess) Tonight is the night, the magical night, when the Powers (1-2,High Priestess) once more walk the Land. Children of the Lady, come forth, (1-2,High Priestess) Gather you around as is your right. (1-2,High Priestess) I call upon you spirits of the Earth, spirits of Air, (1-2,High Priestess) spirits of Fire, and spirits of Water. COME, Gather you (1-2,High Priestess) around this night. For as in days of olde, We call you to (1-2,High Priestess) come and worship Her, She who is Queen of all that is, was (1-2,High Priestess) and will be. (1-2,High Priest) I walk the circle Round and Round, I (1-2,High Priest) cast the Circle on the Ground. I (1-2,High Priest) walk the Circle round and round, I (1-2,High Priest) cast the Circle on the ground. (1-2,High Priest) Willow, will you call the directions, beginning in the (1-2,High Priest) North? ---lost transmission for North, East--- (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the South, the (creatures lost) (1-3,Willow) bring your flame of life and love to your children to dance in until the Winter rules again. Be with us now. (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the West, the dolphin, the dragonfly, (1-3,Willow) bring us your peace and healing love. (1-3,Willow) Let the warm waters wash us clean and purify us in this sacred rite. (1-3,Willow) Let the waters of the mother be with us now.So mote it be. (1-2,High Priest) So mote it be! (1-2,High Priest) We are in the place that is not a Place, in a time that 2117 (1-2,High Priest) is not a Time, and in a space that is not a Space. Let (1-2,High Priest) none disturb that which the Gods have decreed. (1-2,High Priestess) This is the time of the Full Moon, the high tide of (1-2,High Priestess) power. As we are bid to assemble, at least once in the (1-2,High Priestess) month to seek Her blessings, so we are here tonight. (1-2,High Priest) Maiden, Mother, Crone as One, Triple Faced Goddess, we (1-2,High Priest) call upon you. Your Children have come as in the olde (1-2,High Priest) days, with joy in our eyes and Love in our hearts. We (1-2,High Priest) walk the old paths, we sing the old songs, we chant the (1-2,High Priest) old chants and we call the old calls. (1-2,High Priest) Goddess of the Spring, we call upon you, Queen of the (1-2,High Priest) great woods, Diana, we open our hearts to you. (1-2,High Priestess) Child of Vine and Child of field, we call upon you, (1-2,High Priestess) Dionysus, Shining One, Mother's Son, Lover in the (1-2,High Priestess) Fields, we open our hearts to you. (1-2,Diana) Children of the Night, Thrice blessed are you who walk (1-2,Diana) My Path, for Mine is the Path of New Beginnings. None (1-2,Diana) shall wither and grow stagnant who pulls on the Bow of (1-2,Diana) Life, and launches themselves into the Stars upon my (1-2,Diana) Arrow. (1-2,Dionysus) Children of the Day, Thrice blessed are you who walk My (1-2,Dionysus) Path, for Mine is the Path of New Beginnings. None (1-2,Dionysus) shall Die who knows the secret of my seed. (1-2,Diana) Listen to me, Oh my Children, and walk with me in the (1-2,Diana) Woods. (1-2,Diana) Around you I weave my spell and might. The trees grow (1-2,Diana) thicker and strong. Off in the distance you hear the (1-2,Diana) sound of a large animal crashing through the brush, and (1-2,Diana) close you hear the chirping of birds. The gentle hum (1-2,Diana) of sacred bees about their labor of collecting pollen (1-2,Diana) for Me, for I am their Queen too. (1-2,Diana) The Wind swirls around us, and the scent of life fills (1-2,Diana) the air. Tangy pine, sharp ceder, far off apple trees (1-2,Diana) all cast their call upon the air. (1-2,Diana) The sound in the brush gets closer and closer, till a (1-2,Diana) great Stag bursts forth from the brush. Head thrown (1-2,Diana) back he bellows his cry. Then with a twist he is off, (1-2,Diana) quicker than the thunder rolling down from the hills, (1-2,Diana) he speeds. But, I am faster. (1-2,Diana) Bow twangs, arrow flies, and with the muted sound of an (1-2,Diana) earthquake, he dies. (1-2,Diana) Look at me, my Children. I am the Goddess of (1-2,Diana) Swiftness, with a look I can bring death. And bending (1-2,Diana) down, I touch the Stag, and with a start he bounds 2118 (1-2,Diana) away. I am the Goddess of Swiftness, with a touch I (1-2,Diana) can bring life. I am Life Eternal, and I am Death (1-2,Diana) Eternal. (1-2,Dionysus) Her hand is the Blade, her Eye the Arrow, Her touch the (1-2,Dionysus) Kiss of Life and Death. And I love her. (1-2,Dionysus) Mine is the secret of the Cycle, the Secret of the (1-2,Dionysus) Doorway betwixt Life and Death is Mine. (1-2,Dionysus) Behold, I give you this seed. In this seed is the (1-2,Dionysus) coming Year. Charge it well with your wishes tonight, (1-2,Dionysus) that Her Blessings will grow with you through the year. (1-2,Dionysus) I am the Seed of New Beginnings, and Her's is the Water (1-2,Dionysus) of Life. (1-2,Diana) Children of the Night, bring forth your Seed, that I (1-2,Diana) may touch them and bring you the gifts that are mine to (1-2,Diana) share. (1-2,High Priestess) (everyone plant at least one desire in their Virtual (1-2,High Priestess) Seed and hold it in your hands. Visualize a white (1-2,High Priestess) light coming from the Center of the Circle and all the (1-2,High Priestess) seeds take on it's light.) (1-2,Shadow Hawk) I place within my seed the desire for finances to meet my needs. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) I placw within my seed the desire for good fortune for my children, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) both natural and stepchild. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Willow, do you have a desire? (1-10,Dave) merry meet everyone! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Merry Meet Dave, Take a seed from the hand of the God, and... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) place your desire for the coming year in it. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Many Blue Sparks, please do the same within the Circle (1-10,Dave) Aye, that I will do... (1-3,Willow) I place within my seed the desire to fill our new home with love and the promise of a marriage filled with beauty and wonder. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) So mote it be Willow! (1-3,Willow) So mote it be! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) many Blue Sparks? (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) I place within my seed the desire for a path that leads from darkness. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) So mote it be! (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) So mote it be! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Then we continue (1-2,Shadow Hawk) OP/name High Priestess (1-2,High Priestess) (everyone chant verbally with me while holding their seed) (1-2,High Priestess) (all chant with me verbally) 2119 (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) Darksome Night and shining Moon, (1-2,High Priestess) East, then South, then West, then North, (1-2,High Priestess) Hearken to the Witch's Run, (1-2,High Priestess) Here we come to call thee forth! (1-2,High Priestess) Earth and water, air and fire, (1-2,High Priestess) Wand and pentacle and sword, (1-2,High Priestess) Work ye unto our desire, (1-2,High Priestess) Hearken ye unto our work! (1-2,High Priestess) Cords and censer, scourge and knife, (1-2,High Priestess) Powers of the witch's blade, (1-2,High Priestess) Waken all ye unto life, (1-2,High Priestess) Come ye as the charm is made! (1-2,High Priestess) Queen of heaven, Queen of Hel, (1-2,High Priestess) Horned Hunter of the night, (1-2,High Priestess) Lend your power unto the spell, (1-2,High Priestess) And work our will by magic rite! (1-2,High Priestess) In the earth and air and sea, (1-2,High Priestess) By the light of Moon or Sun, (1-2,High Priestess) As we do will, so mote it be. (1-2,High Priestess) Chant the spell and be it done! (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Azarak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Zomelak, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Cernunnos, (1-2,High Priestess) Eko, Eko, Aradia! (1-2,High Priestess) so mote it be! (1-2,Diana) Now Children, Take your seed and plant it in my Forest, (1-2,Diana) that it will grow strong throughout the year. (1-2,Diana) Dionysus, Come to Me, for it is time. Take up your (1-2,Diana) lance and Fill my Grail. I, your Queen, command it. (1-2,Diana) As the Lance is to the God (1-2,Diana) So the Chalice is to the Goddess (1-2,Diana) And when the Two are One (1-2,Diana) The Greatest Magic is begun. (1-2,Dionysus) Brothers and Sisters, come, for now it is time to drink (1-2,Dionysus) and eat. 2120 (1-2,Dionysus) (passing wine and cakes) (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Drink from your chalice and eat of your bread, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) saving some for offering after the ritual to the Lady. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) This is the place where we sit and relax in the presense of the Gods.... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Welcome to the first Full Moon of Spring! (1-3,Willow) Blessed be, friends! (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) Blessed be! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Be Willow, (toasting Willow's new home and honey) (1-10,Dave) Blessed Be, everyone! (1-3,Willow) I would like to, while in this sacred space, (1-3,Willow) thank the divine intervention of Aphrodite! (1-3,Willow) She introduced Craig and I (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Willow, do you know her verse in that great pagan classic, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Gimme that Old Time Religion? (1-3,Willow) and, thankfully, my life will never be the same! (toast to Aprodite!) (1-2,Shadow Hawk) (raising chalice to Aphrodite) (1-3,Willow) Can you hum a few bars? (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Hmmmmmmmmmm.... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) We will worship Aphrodite, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Tho she seems a little flighty (1-3,Willow) oh, no (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Coming naked in her Nightie, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) And that's Good enough for me! (grin) (1-3,Willow) Oh, Gods! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Yes Goddess? (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) Hee! (1-10,Dave) Tiss a nice ryme there shadow Hawk. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) (pouring more Wine for everyone) (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Dave, there are about 200 or so verses... (1-3,Willow) Hey, this may be a Spring ritual, but I'm engaged! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) my favorite is the one that goes... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) We will worship like the Druids (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Drinking strange fermented fluids (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Running Naked through the woods (1-2,Shadow Hawk) and that's good enough for me! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) (Gimme that old time religion....) (g) (1-3,Willow) MY favorite goes... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Willow, engaged in what? (1-3,Willow) Here's to the god of discord, (1-3,Willow) while this may not rhyme (1-10,Dave) Don't worry Willow, so are we (my Lady and I that is)! (1-3,Willow) or even make any sense, (1-3,Willow) it's good enough for me1 (1-2,Shadow Hawk) heh heh heh (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) :) (1-3,Willow) Right now?!? (1-10,Dave) now what? (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Of course! (g) 2121 (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Hmmm.... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) We will worship mighty Thor, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Tho he leaves the maidens sore (1-2,Shadow Hawk) They keep coming back for more, (1-3,Willow) not agin... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) and that's good enough for me! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Not again? That brings us to.... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Oh the Christians are a hummin, (1-2,Shadow Hawk) cause they say their God's a comming (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Our God Came and keeps on Commin (1-2,Shadow Hawk) And that's good enough for me! (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) (1-2,Shadow Hawk) (gotta love them Spring Fertility rituals! (g) (1-10,Dave) Everyone, sorry for the tardiness, but will rejoin at another time... (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Be Dave (cutting a doorway out) (1-10,Dave) b.b. (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) BB, D! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Ok, guess it is time to wrap it up. (1-2,Shadow Hawk) (standing up in V.R. Circle (1-3,Willow) Before wewe're all drunk with Dionysis' wine, we should wrap. (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) Rap, nah I only chanted. (1-2,Diana) Children of the Night, it is time to return to your (1-2,Diana) world. Blessed be thy Feet that have brought you on (1-2,Diana) this path. Blessed be thy knees that have kneeled at (1-2,Diana) the Sacred Altar. Blessed be thy Belly, without which (1-2,Diana) thy kind would not be. Blessed be thy Breast, formed (1-2,Diana) in Strength and Beauty. Blessed be thy Mouth, that (1-2,Diana) shall speak the Sacred words of Love. (1-2,High Priest) Great Goddess, Huntress of the Night, we thank you for (1-2,High Priest) your works here tonight. Go if you must, Stay if you (1-2,High Priest) will, for we are your adoring Children. (1-2,High Priestess) Great Dionysus, thank you for your laughter and light (1-2,High Priestess) tonight. Blessed be thy Seed, which shall grow over (1-2,High Priestess) the coming year and clothe the face of the Mother in (1-2,High Priestess) Life. Go if you must, Stay if you will, for we are (1-2,High Priestess) your brothers and sisters. (1-2,High Priestess) Willow, will you dismiss the directions, starting in the West? (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the west, we thank you for your help (1-3,Willow) and attendence here tonight. (1-3,Willow) Return to the waters of the Mother. (1-3,Willow) Stay if you will, go if you must. We thank you. (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the South, we thank you for your help and attendence her tonight. 2122 (1-3,Willow) Return to the fires of creation. (1-3,Willow) Stay if you will, go if you must. We thank you. (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the East, we thank you for your help and attendence here tonight. (1-3,Willow) Return to the warm breezes of new beginnings. (1-3,Willow) Stay if you will, go if you must. We thank you (1-3,Willow) Spirits of the North, we thank you for your help and attendenct here tonight. (1-3,Willow) Return to the cool caves of the Earth. (1-3,Willow) Stay if you will, go if you must, We thank you. (1-3,Willow) So mote it be. (1-2,High Priestess) SO mote it be! (1-2,High Priest) I move to the North, and walking widdershins, the Circle of Fire subsides (1-2,High Priest) behind me. (1-2,High Priest) Down down into the ground, never more to be found... (1-2,High Priest) down down into the ground, out to the edge of the covenspace. (1-2,High Priest) Returning to the north, I face the Circle... (1-2,High Priest) The Circle is Open, but Unbroken, Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again! (1-2,High Priest) Blessed Be! (1-3,Willow) Blessed Be! (1-1,Many Blue Sparks) Blessed Be! (1-2,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Be Willow and Many Blue Sparks! 2123 CompuServe Full Moon Ritual Aug 1992 HPS- Jehana HP - Shadow Hawk (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Lady Jehana, wilt thou call the sacred rite to order? (1-5,Jehana) Lord Shadow Hawk, we are ready to begin. (1-8,Shadow Hawk) All, please take a moment to draw some deep breaths... (1-5,Jehana) I assume all have their glass of beverage, and piece of bread/crackers. Take a moment to relax, using regular, patterned breaths... Feel all parts of your body, from toes to head, gradually relax... a blue glowing field surrounds you... the blue glowing field slowly grows to surround your room... the blue glowing field slowly grows to encompass the town/city you live in... the blue glowing field slowly grows to encompase the landscape... the blue glowing field slowly grows to encompass North America... and each of you connect in with the fields of all the others... the blue glowing fields of all the others here within Circle... Feel its energies spinning from East... to South... to West... to North... and re-connecting with East again. (1-8,Shadow Hawk) in your minds, please face the East.... Robin's egg blue, pure and clean Hail, oh denizens of the East! Of Air; of incense smoke Winged Ones, riding the wind Join us, if you will Sharp discernment Tool of our Mind.. Hail; and Welcome! (1-5,Jehana) In your minds, please face the South... Fire-bright red, rich with power Hail, oh denizens of the South! Of Fire; of flickering matches; of salamanders that rage and burn and sear Join us, if you will Passion and Will Tools of our hand... Hail; and Welcome! (1-8,Shadow Hawk) In your minds, please turn and face the West... 2124 Aquamarine Green, bursting with power Hail, oh denizens of the West! of Water; of Cauldron deep; Of Undines that ride the waves Join us, if you will Emotions and feelings Tools of our Heart.. Hail; and Welcome! (1-5,Jehana) In your minds, please turn and face the North... Dirt brown, rich with humus Hail, oh denizens of the North! of earth; of rock and leaf and root; of gnomes that burrow industriously below Join us, if you will Centered and firm Heart of our roots... Hail; and Welcome! (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Goddess, Queen of Heaven and Earth, You with the Stars in your eyes, and love in your heart... Descend to this our Circle on your Night of Power. (1-5,Jehana) I am the Lady of the starry heavens I am she who is the Mother of all living things I have worked the landscape into mountains lay the waters into their ocean beds, and set the winds in their course. Every snowflake, every speck of soil or sand Bears my imprint. My countenance appears in the faintest flicker, and the largest star; The Universe is My handiwork. I am She who consoles the sorrowful, and I am She who tends to the sick. I bring solace to those in life, and peace and understanding in death. I am the changing Goddess -- Maiden, Mother, and Crone -- The Hag hidden deep within... I have been to the Underworld, and I have Returned. Let there be beauty and strength, Power and compassion, Honor and humility, Mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know Me, To feel My spirit Come before Me with a sincere heart, burn incense upon my altar Listen and be still: Know that your seeking and your yearning will avail you not, Unless you know the Mystery: For if that which you seek, 2125 you find not within yourself, You will never find it without. For Behold: I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire. (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Be! (1-8,Shadow Hawk) By the Flame that burneth bright O' Horned One! We call thy name into the night, O' Ancient One! Thee we invoke, by the moon-lit sea, by the standing stone and the twisted tree. Thee we invoke, where gather thine own, by the nameless shrine forgotten and alone. Come where the round of the dance is Trod. Horn and Hoof of the Goatfoot God! By moon-lit meadows on dusky hill, when the haunted wood is hushed and still. Come to the charm of the chanted prayer. As the moon bewitches the midnight air, evoke thy powers, that potent bide. In shining stream and the secret tide, in fiery flame by starlight pale, in Shadowy host that rides the gale, and by the fern-brakes fairy-haunted of forest wild and woods enchanted. Come! O' Come! To the heart-beat's drum! When the broad white moon is climbing slow. Through the stars to the heaven's height. We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night! As black tree-branches shake and sigh, By Joy and terror we know thee nigh, We speak the spell thy power unlocks, At Solstice, Sabbat, and Equinox. Word of Virtue the veil to rend, From Primal Dawn to the wide World's end, Since time began, the blessings of Pan Blessed be in strength and love, Blessed be, wher'ere we rove, Vision fade not from our eyes Of the Pagan Paradise. Past the gates of Death and Birth, Our inheritance of Earth. From our soul the song of Spring Fade not in our wandering, Our life is one, By blackest night or the noonday Sun. Eldest of Gods on thee we call, Blessing be on thy Creatures all. I call upon thee, O' Ancient Horned One Who art the Comforter and the Consoler of Men I call upon thee, O' Great God of the Witches. Ruler of the Sabbat, Lord of the Wild Woods, I call upon thee in the Name of your Lady, Come out of the North upon 2126 the back of the Winds. And join the Lady Cerridwin at this Holy Sabbat/Esbat. I call thee by thy most ancient name Cernunnos. (1-5,Jehana) This is Fullmoon August... This is the season of Abundance... and out of Wisdom in accessing that Abundance... Knowing the difference between what we Want... And what we Need... Bearing this in mind.. each of us will have a chance... to mention something or several somethings we need... Please feel free to speak... (1-6,Al) I ask that I learn patience, to accept others for what they are and to hear their thoughts and learn their wisdom. (1-5,Jehana) I ask for continued self-growth and self-acceptance (1-1,Helen) I ask for freedom from fear of abundance. (1-5,Jehana) I ask for a cure for AIDS, and for ongoing treatments for those who are in need. I ask for an understanding of environmental issues which face this planet. (1-5,Jehana) Hold the image of the things, concepts, ... and ideas you need; .... and that your friends in Circle need... Feel the energy grow and flow... feel the power flow and grow... feel yourselvs enveloped by a tree... by a hazel tree... Turn towards the Lord and Lady... and ask... in Perfect Love and in Perfect trust we stand before Thee... Feel the energy and Power grow... each root and trunk and limb... of that hazel tree... Raise your hands, gradually... with the energy... Prepare to send... One... Two... THREE!!!! And, note, what you send out returns to you. (1-5,Jehana) Now... Visualize before you an onion fresh from the harvest... Visualize your athame slicing it horizontally... See before you the white disc of the Full Moon... (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Visualize before you a second onion fresh from the harvest... 2127 Visualize your knife slicing it vertically... See before you the East and West facing crescents of the Waxing and Waning Moon. (1-5,Jehana) Now, take your glass of chosen beverage: (for blessing of that beverage)... In balance we stand (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Night and Light (1-5,Jehana) In balance we stand (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Chalice and Blade (1-5,Jehana) In balance we stand (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Cerridwyn and Herne (1-5,Jehana) Drink ye of the Waters of Darkness (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Drink ye the Waters of LIFE! (1-5,Jehana) (pause to take a sip) (1-5,Jehana) Now, take your plate of bread: (1-8,Shadow Hawk) As the Wheel turns (1-5,Jehana) My crops appear (1-8,Shadow Hawk) As the Wheel turns (1-5,Jehana) My crops grow high (1-8,Shadow Hawk) As the Wheel turns (1-5,Jehana) My harvest comes through (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Feast ye on the grains of My Endeavors (1-5,Jehana) Feast ye on the Wheel of Life! (1-5,Jehana) (Pause to eat of the bread) (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Oh Horned One, May ever your call ring across the hills, fields and woods deep Calling again to her Children to Dance by her Light! Now we thank you for your aid, And bid thee safe journey to your Sacred Glades... Blessed Be (1-5,Jehana) Bright Lady; Maid, Mother Crone... Lady Cerridwyn... We thank thee for your aid; 2128 we thank thee for your abounding love and compassion we thank thee for your Wisdom... we bid thee safe journey to your Sacred Glades.... (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Please turn and face the East in your minds... Winged Ones... Intellect Bright.. Tool of our mind Eastern Air, we thank and acknowledge you. (1-5,Jehana) Please turn and face the South in your minds... Salamanders... Passion and Will... Tools of our hands... Southern Fire, we thank and acknowledge you. (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Please turn and face West in your Minds... Undines, Emotion and Drive.. Tools of our Hearts.. Western water, we thank and acknowledge you. (1-5,Jehana) Please turn and face North in your minds... Gnomes... Centered and Firm... Heart of our roots... Northern Earth, we thank and acknowledge you. (1-5,Jehana) Around you now, sense the blue glowing field... the blue glowing field that connects all of you together... across North America... Feel its energies spinning... from East... to North... to West... to South... to East... Feel the energies unwinding.... Sense your bodies re-absorbing the Energies of the Circle... spiralling in... into your room... The blue glowing field... a part of your body... Take it in... Let all return to as it has been. (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Fire Seal the Circle Round, Let it fade beneath the ground... let all things be as they were since the Beginning of Time. (1-5,Jehana) Merry meet... and merry part... and merry meet again! (1-8,Shadow Hawk) Merry meet! Blessed Be, Jehana. 2129 COMPUSERVE NEWAGE FORUM - ONLINE FULL MOON RITUAL - FEBRUARY 1993 (Jehana) Sit calmly, breath with relaxation.. Let the cares and stresses of the day wear off... let the cares and stresses flow away from you.. Feel yourself surrounded by a warm and gentle orb... of blue-white light... Gentle, restful, protective... Feel it expand... Feel it connect with your friends and companions within Circle... Feel it Circle around you; around all of us... East, to South, to West, to North... To East again. (visualize: face to the east): Hail, powers of Air!! We invite you to our Circle A breath of air A morning's gentle breeze -- Forethought and knowledge, Hail & Welcome! (Rilla) (Face to the South): Oh spirits of the South... Ancient ones of Fire... I call you to attend this Circle... Charge this by your powers... Hail and Welcome! (Jehana) (Face to the West): Hail, powers of Water!! We invite you to our Circle A drop of dew The evening's tidal sweep -- Hail & Welcome!! (Rilla)(face to the North): Hail, oh powers of the Earth... Ancient ones of Gaia born... I call upon you to attend this Circle... Charge this by your powers, Old Ones... Hail! and Welcome! (Jehana) Invoke into your heart and into this our Circle The bright Lady of New Beginnings. The Maiden who sings the joys of Spring to come The Mother who brings nurturance, love and guidance. Hail, bright Lady; we welcome thee!!! Invoke into your heard and into this our Circle The Oak King Growing as a sapling Growing strong. A child at heart, learning, searching, in true Discovery. Hail, bright Lord; we welcome thee!! According to Sun Bear, this Moon is the Moon of Rest and Cleansing, following upon the Moon of Earth Renewal. The animal is the Otter, and the plant, the Quaking Aspen. Its mineral is silver. In the Celtic tree calendar, as reported by Graves, this full Moon falls in the month of Luis, signified by the Rowan tree, and by the Tourmaline. Its attribute is Quickening. Those who follow astrology know this is the month of Aquarius, the Water Bearer; the fixed sign of Air. According to Z Budapest, the Full Moon aspect of February is the red and cleansing wild Moon. Life quickens now. It is 2130 a time of purification, of growth, of the stimulation of all living things. It is a healing time. It brings in the wind of the New. Its flower: the primose and the violet. Its animal: the duck and the otter. Its stone: the amethyst. It is appropriate at this time to do workings; workings for things we may wish to see in our lives, and in the world in general. It is a time for healing. It is a time for growth. I ask each of you to think of those things you wish to work on,-- you may speak or keep them silent, as you will... Speak first of new beginnings and things of growth for the world at large. Then, speak of those new beginnings and things of growth and healing for people or events closer to home. And, yes, speak of those beginnings and things of growth for you yourself. After we finish mentioning all of our workings, we will repeat a phrase -- visualize the energy, through the hand of the Goddess, flowing into the things we seek, imbuing them with constructive energy. (Please note that most Witches consider it unethical to work healings or other magic for specific people without first asking their permission). (When I start doing the chant (which begins with "We all come from the Goddess"), others may copy me, or jump ahead if they are familiar with it... I will tell you when to visualize the energy peaking.) -- mention things in your mind or in print that you wish to allow to grow/heal: (Rilla) I wish for a healing ... of the youth of this country... that they may find the peace that they need... to learn to live in harmony... and to be the "future" of this world... and for myself the patience... to wait for direction... in my life path... and a healthy mind and body.. for the coming year. (Jehana) I wish for the earth's healing... the pain in the environment to be turned around... an understanding of the nature of this planet upon which we live. I wish to know and be known by love and compassion. (Ardelia) I wish for this world..... the ability to be calm... as we learn to work with each other..... the earth..... and ourselves. (Jehana) We all come from the Goddess And to her we shall return Like a drop of rain Flowing to the ocean. (Rilla) We all come from the Goddess.. and to her we shall return... Like a drop of rain... 2131 Flowing to the ocean. (Jehana) We all come from the Goddess And to her we shall return Like a drop of rain Flowing to the ocean. (Rilla) We all come from the Goddess... and the her we shall return... Like a drop of rain... Flowing to the ocean. (Jehana) Feel the energy; rising up; rising up; rising up! Drink in the energy... Take your glass of water, know that it is energized, and drink! Take a quiet moment to pause and reflect. Oak King, Sapling growing strong... Playful lord, in the growing time of your cycle... Thank you for your presence here... Hail, and Farewell! Bright Maiden, singing your songs of Spring nearly afoot... Gracious Mother, You of love and nurturance and guidance.. We thank you for your presence here.. We thank you for your blessings... Hail, and Farewell!! Powers of Air! We thank you for your fresh breath! Hail, and Farewell! (Rilla) Powers of Fire! We thank you for you strength! Hail and Farewell! (Jehana) Powers of Water! We thank you for your healing compassion! Hail, and farewell! (Rilla) Powers of the Earth! We thank you for your sustenance and nurturance! Hail and farewell! (Jehana) The blue-white glow that surronds us all... begins to retract... slowly, slowly... Fire seal the Circle round Let it fade beneath the ground Let all things be as they were Since the beginning of time. Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again! (Rilla) Blessed Be! (Jehana) (The Ritual has concluded; Bright Blessings; Blessed Be!) 2132 CompuServe Full Moon Ritual of July 13, 1992 (1-4,Shadow Hawk) We are gathered together in this Ritual of the Full Moon, where we join and pay homage to the Divine Mother, Mother of us all. From the corners of the Country, I send my Will, starting in the North I cast a line of Fire around the country, moving Eastward, then South, Then West, and Back to the North. We are encompassed in a circle of Fire that protects our Sacred Space. (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Let us gather and call the Spirits of the 4 directions to come and join us in this our Rite. (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Please face your thoughts to the West. Hail to the Lord of the West, Poseiden, Scaled God of Water, Ruler of the Deep, Master of Wave and Fin, I bid thee come to our Circle and worship at the feet of the Lady. Be Here Now! (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Now, turn your thoughts to the North... Hail to the Lord of the North, Cernunnos, Horned God of Earth, Ruler of Life, Master of Leaf and Earthbound creature, I bid thee come to our Circle and worship at the feet of the Lady. Be Here Now! (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Please turn your thoughts to the East... Hail to the Lord of the East, Quetzalcoatl, Feathered God of Air, Ruler of Wisdom, Master of Wind and Winged, I bid thee come to our circle and worship at the feet of the Lady. Be here Now! (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Now, turn your thoughts to the South... Hail to the Lord of the South, Apollo, Brilliant God of Fire, Ruler of Inspiration, Master of Light and Spirit, I bid thee come to our circle and worship at the feet of the Lady. Be Here Now! (1-4,Shadow Hawk) The Circle is cast, we are in the space between the worlds, where Time and Space cease to exist. Let none disturb the boundaries without dire cause. (1-4,Shadow Hawk) Now we turn out thoughts to the Divine Consort, the Horned God. Hail to the God as one, Consort, Father, Son. I bid thee come to the Circle of Life, and worship at the feet of Our Lady. Be Here Now! (1-4,Cernunnos) Now join me as I call my Love, she in who's light we are here... Hail to Our Lady, in whose eyes the stars do shine forth and upon whose brow the Moon doth ride. Lady, your children call to you from within your Sacred Space. We bid you come and let us Feel your touch. You who will deny your children naught. We are at your feet in Wonder and Awe. Welcome to this your Circle. 2133 (1-4,Cernunnos) We are in the Place between the Worlds, Beyond Time and Space, and in the presence of the Goddesses and Gods. Let none leave this space without grave cause. (1-4,Cernunnos) Welcome the Divine Lady, Gracious Goddess and Mother of us all. I call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy Circle and thy Priestesses. (1-4,Cernunnos) Hail Aradia! From the Almathean horn Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend before thee, I adore thee to the end, with loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn. Thy foot is to my lip, my prayer upborne upon the rising incense smoke; then spend thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend to Aid me, who without thee am forlorn. (1-4,Cernunnos) Thou art the Mother Darksome and Divine, Yours the scourge and yours the Kiss, the Five-point star of love and bliss, bless us with your sign. (1-4,Cernunnos) Listen to the words of the Great Mother, she whom of old was also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Brid, and by many other names. (1-4,Cernunnos) "Whenever you have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Her, who is Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets, to these will She teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites, and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in Her praise. For Hers is the secret door that opens upon the Land of Youth, and Hers is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. She is the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of Joy unto the hearts of Man. Upon Earth, She gives knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death, She gives peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor does She demand sacrifice, for behold, She is the Mother of all living, and her Love is poured out upon the Earth." (1-4,Cernunnos) Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, and whose body encircles the Universe. (1-4,Cernunnos) "She who is the beauty of the green Earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the 2134 waters, and the desire of the hearts of man, calls unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto Her. For She is the soul of Nature, who gives life to the universe. From Her all things proceed, and unto Her all things must return, and before Her face, beloved of Gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let Her worship be within the heart that rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are Her rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for Her, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery, that if what thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou shalt never find it without thee. For behold, She has been with thee from the beginning, and She is that which is attained at the end of desire." Absorb Her Blessings and her words. Feel them resonate in your core. (1-4,S.H.) If there are any here that have a petition to bring before the Lady, please do so now. If there are any objects to be charged, please bring them forth now. (1-3,S.H.) Now is the time for the Great Rite. Please take your knife in one hand...and your chalice in the other. Place the tip of the knife in the chalice and say, "As the chalice is to the Woman So the Athame is to the Man And when the two become one, The greatest magic is begun!" Now dip your atheme into the chalice to energize the lifeforce within it. Blessed Be, So mote it be! (1-3,S.H.) Now, take the Atheme (knife) over the bread/cake.. (1-3,S.H.) Lady, we come before you with love in our heart and awe in our eyes, asking you to give us your blessings and pour your blessings on the fruit of the vine and the field, that we may be filled with your blessings. So mote it be, Blessed be! (1-3,S.H.) Draw a pentagram on the bread with the knife. Now, eat of the bread and drink of the wine, saving some portion for offering to the creatures of the Lady later. (1-3,S.H.) Now it's time to bid farewell to the Lady and the Lord. 2135 (1-3,S.H.) Hail Mother of us all, we thank you for attending this our Rite, and for your blessings and love that you have poured forth upon us your children. Blessed be thy Name. (1-3.S.H.) Hail Lord of the Dance, we thank you for attending this our Rite, and for your presence and love that you have poured forth upon us your children. Blessed be thy Name. (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the South Hail Lord of the South, Lord of Fire, we thank you for your presence and the Light and warmth that you shed upon us. Farewell and Blessed Be. (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the East.... Hail Lord of the East, Lord of Air, we thank you for your presence and the Air that you bring to us that life may be sustained. Farewell and Blessed Be. (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the North.... Hail Lord of the North, Lord of Earth, we thank you for your presence and the harvest from your fields that feed and shelter us. Farewell and Blessed Be. (1-3,S.H.) Now we turn our attention to the West.... Hail Lord of the West, Lord of Water, we thank you for your presence and the blood of your body to slake our thirst and the thirst of the fields. Farewell and Blessed Be. (1-3,S.H.) Now I send my Will to the North, and I walk the circle... Circle of Fire, I quench your thirst... Down down into the ground... Nevermore to be found... Spread your life throughout the land... That all may feel your blessing. So Mote it Be! Blessed Be! The Circle is Open, Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again! (1-3,S.H.) Blessed Be all! 2136 CompuServe Full Moon Ritual of Monday, June 15, 1992 (1-3,S.H.) My Lady Otterkin, wilt thou begin the Lady's Rite? (1-4,Otterkin) This is the time of fullness, the flood tide of power, when the Lady in full circle of brightness rides across the night sky. This is the time of the bearing of fruits, of changes realized. The Great Mother, Nurturer of the world which is Herself, pours out her love and her gifts in Abundance. The Hunter draws near to the Brilliant One, She who awakens yearning in the heart and is the end of desire. We who look on her Shining face are filled with love. Merry Meet. (1-3,S.H.) By the Spirits of Air and Fire I do cleanse this space. (1-6,Otterkin) By the Creatures of Water and Earth I do cleanse this space. (1-3,S.H.) (visualize a circle filled with incense smoke... (while Otter and I walk the circle with lit incense, sprinkling water and salt to purify the area) Will the Caller of the North, Call forth! (1-7,Jeff) Hail, of the mountains, of the North, far above the earth... Whose core yet reaches the center... we ask you, guardians, to attend our Circle... Lend us your steadfastness... Hail! And well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Hail and Well Met! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail and Well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Will the Caller of the East, Call Forth! (1-7,Jehana) Hail, spirits of the Air, wisps and eddies of wind... Sweeping the world with freshness... thought, contemplation, and wisdom... we ask you, guardians, to attend our Circle... Lend us your airy wisdom... Hail! And well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Hail! And well Met! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail and Well Met! 2137 (1-3,S.H.) Will the Caller of the South, Call forth! (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Hail Spirits of Fire, Noonday Sun... Lion of Summer, Heating and Lighting us against the Cold of Death We call upon you, of Fiery ones to attend our Circle... Lend us your Fiery Passion... Hail! And Well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Hail! And Well Met! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail! And Well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Will the Caller of the West, Call Forth! (1-1,Papa Tom) Spirits of the West, heed our call. Spirits of the West, Spirits of water, attend our Circle. Cleanse us, as rain upon the ocean. Give us guidance and wisdom as we go between the worlds. Guardians in the West, attend our Circle. Hail! And well Met! (1-3,S.H.) Hail! And Well Met! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail! And Well Met! (1-6,Otterkin) I conjure and cast thee, Circle of Power, that this may be a time that is not a time, in a place that is not a place, on a day that is not a day, We are safe between the worlds where Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow, meet as one. (1-3,S.H.)I invoke thee and call upon thee, Lady and Mother of us all, bringer of all fruitfullness. By seed and root, by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit, by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this thy servant and priestess. Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn pour forth thy store of love. I lowly bend before thee, I adore thee to the End. Thy foot is to my Lip, my prayer upborne upon the rising incense smoke. Send Thine ancient love, oh Mighty One, descend to aid us, who without thee are forlorn. (1-6,Otterkin) Of the Mother Darksome and Devine, Mine the scourge, and mine the Kiss, the five-point star of Love and Bliss, so I charge you with this sign. (Visualize a pentagram drawn in cool flame before you.) 2138 (1-3,S.H.) Listen to the words of the Great Mother, She who is also called among men Astarte, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Demeter, Mary, Aradia, and by many other names. (1-4,ARADIA) Whenever you have need of any thing, once in the month, and better it be when the Moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of me, who am Queen of all witches. There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets, to these will I teach things that are yet unknown. And ye shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that ye be really free, ye shall be naked in your rites, and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise. For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth, and mine is the cup of the wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Grail of Immortality. I am the Gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of Joy unto the hearts of Man. Upon Earth, I give knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. Nor do I demand sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all living, and my Love is poured out upon the Earth." (1-3,S.H.) Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess, She in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, and whose body encircles the Universe. (1-4,CERRIDWEN) I who am the beauty of the green Earth, and the white Moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters, and the desire of the hearts of man, call unto thy soul. Arise, and come unto me. For I am the soul of Nature, who gives life to the universe. From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return, and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men. Let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite. Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth. 2139 For behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. And therefore let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honour and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery, that if that which thou seekest thou findest not within thee, then thou shalt never find it without thee. For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire." (1-3,S.H.) (Take this time to meditate on the Fullness of the Mother... And also on what is said in the Charge we have just been given, for truely... You will never find it without thee, but only within thee.) (1-3,S.H.) Now we come to the time of power, for the Moon is Full and we are gathered here in Her Circle, so we shall raise the Cone of Power... Visualize a fire in the night and we are together around the fire. The Drums begin a rhythm, subtle but insistant. You begin to sway and move with the full sensual beat, dancing as only spirit can. Around and around the fire you go while the drumming grows faster and louder. You can FEEL the energies gathering, until your hair is flying wild, and your skin crawls with an energy like electricity. You are alive with power! Join hands and chant with us: "Circle 'round the fire, to raise a cone of power, to bring what we desire, So mote it be! Circle 'round the fire, to raise a cone of power, to bring what we desire, So mote it be! now SHOUT! Circle 'round the fire, to raise a cone of power, to bring what we desire, So mote it be!" (1-4,Otterkin) I take this energy and with it I consecrate this Ritual Space, that it shall always be a safe haven for Her Children! I take this energy and offer it to those that need healing. Those that have need, take from it, for I AM She that gives Life and Bounty, I AM the Mother of All! I take this energy, and I return it to the Universe, that there will be fruitfulness throughout the Worlds and all my Children shall benefit." 2140 (1-6,Otterkin) (Place your knife in front of you and take your chalice in hand) As I raise the chalice, you do likewise. I raise this chalice, symbol of my Eternal Womb, source of All That was and All That will be. (Take your knife, and hold it over the chalice, point down) (1-3,S.H.) I take this Athame, symbol of my Quickening essense, Life Fire that lights the Chalice within, and with it I Quicken thy fertile womb, O Mother of us all. (1-6,Otterkin) As the Chalice is to the Goddess, Awaiting the Spark (1-3,S.H.) And the Athame is to the God, so I enter into your hidden Dark. (1-6,Otterkin) And when Two becomes one (Dip the tip into the chalice) (1-3,S.H.) The Greatest magic is begun! (1-6,Otterkin) Drink from my depths and meditate on them, oh ye who would know of the full Circle of Birth and Death. (Accept our kiss, and taste the wine, saving a small portion for offering later.) I take these cakes, fruit of my fields, and I Bless them and give them to you. Eat, that you may never hunger and think upon my Bounty. (Kiss, and eat the cake, saving a small portion for offering later.) I charge you to remember that some part of this bounty be returned to the Earth, that the cycle will continue. When you return to the World, give of the Bread and Water of Life to my Earth. (1-3,S.H.) Lady, thank you for attending this your Rite, Blessed Be your Name. (1-6,Otterkin) Will the caller of the West please thank and dismiss the Guardians? (1-1,Papa Tom) Spirit of the West, Spirit of Water. We thank you for your guidance. Your love. Your patience. We thank you for attending our circle. We part in love, until we meet again. (1-6,Otterkin) Will the caller of the South please thank and dismiss the Guardians? (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Guardians of the South, Spirits of Fire, we thank you for the Illumination that you have brought to this the Lady's 2141 Circle. As we part, we bid you to hold us safe throughout the day, that we may have light to guide our feet. We bid you farewell until the next time we meet, Hail and Farewell! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail and Farewell! (1-6,Otterkin) Will the caller of the East please thank and dismiss the Guardians? (1-7,Jehana) Guardians of the East; Spirits of the Air We thank you for your contemplation We thank you for your gentle cleansing breezes We bring thanks to you for attending our Circle. We part in love, until we meet again. (1-6,Otterkin) Hail and Farewell! (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Hail and Farewell (1-6,Otterkin) Will the caller of the North please thank and dismiss the Guardians? (1-7,Jeff) To you who are of the mountains Deep roots; and clear vision we thank you for attending our Circle and lending us your steadfastness we part in love; until we meet again Hail & farewell!! (1-6,Otterkin) Hail and Farewell! (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Hail and Farewell! (1-6,Otterkin) Now I drive the Circle down, down, down (through the wiring) into the ground, and Out to the boundaries of the Universe. The Circle is Open, but never broken. Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again! (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Merry meet again! (1-7,Jeff) Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again!!! (1-3,Shadow Hawk) Blessed Be all! 2142 Compuserve on-line Full Moon Mar. '93 (Shadow Hawk) Ok, we begin.... (Shadow Hawk) see the darkness of the night settling in around you.... (Shadow Hawk) and gradually as your eyes adjust you find yourself in (Shadow Hawk) the woods, and the sound of the night creatures begin to (Shadow Hawk) be heard. (Shadow Hawk) Ahead you see the glow of a fire deep in the woods. it is (Shadow Hawk) a small fire, that you might easily miss, but it pulls you (Shadow Hawk) to it like a compass to the magnet. (Shadow Hawk) As you enter a small clearing, you see around you shadowy figures (Shadow Hawk) robed and moving in the flickering candle light. You feel the (Shadow Hawk) powers of the night begin to stir. (Shadow Hawk) On the horizon, you see the full moon breaking in through the trees... (Shadow Hawk) and you hear the sounds of a small bell. You stand within the circle.. (Shadow Hawk) and one figure breaks away and begins to call to the four directions... (Marc Tripp) Walking to the East of the cirlce and raising my athame. (Marc Tripp) I summon the Guardian of the Gate of Air! (Marc Tripp) King of the Poweres of the East (Marc Tripp) The Sacred Space is thine for this Night! (Marc Tripp) Open for me the Way-Without-Time. (Marc Tripp) Air of Earth, We are One with Thee! (Marc Tripp) Then turning and walking to the south of the circle (Marc Tripp) I raise my Athame. (Marc Tripp) I summon the Guardian of the Gate of Earth! (Marc Tripp) King of the Powers of the South! (Marc Tripp) The Sacred Space is thine for this Night! (Marc Tripp) Open for us the Way-Without-Time (Marc Tripp) Earth of Earth, We are one with thee! (Marc Tripp) Walking to the West..I raise my athame. (Marc Tripp) I Summon the Guardian of the Gate of Water! (Marc Tripp) King of the Powers of the West! (Marc Tripp) The Sacred space is thine for this Night! (Marc Tripp) Open for us the Way-Without-Time. (Marc Tripp) Water of Earch, We are One with Thee! (Marc Tripp) Walking to the North. I raise my athame. (Marc Tripp) I Summon the Guardian of the Gate of fire! (Marc Tripp) King of the Powers of the North! (Marc Tripp) The Sacred Space is thine for this Night! (Marc Tripp) Open For me the Way-Without-Time. (Marc Tripp) Fire of Earth, I we are One with Thee! (Marc Tripp) I then return to my place in the circle. (Shadow Hawk) Two figures break forth and gather the earth/water and fire/air (Shadow Hawk) from the altar where they rest.... (Shadow Hawk) I cleanse and purify this place with the spirits of Earth and Water... 2143 (Shadow Hawk) I cleanse and purify this place with the creatures of Air and Fire! (Shadow Hawk) I take the Sword of Knowledge and walking to the North, I point (Shadow Hawk) it down do the ground. Cascading rivers of fire flow from it (Shadow Hawk) and I walk the circle in a clockwise fashion... (Shadow Hawk) and as I walk a curtain of fire flairs up behind me, around the (Shadow Hawk) circle I walk. (Shadow Hawk) The Circle is cast, we are in the space between the worlds (Shadow Hawk) in a place that is not a place, in a time that is not a time, (Shadow Hawk) in a space that is not a space. We are in the Sacred Circle. (Shadow Hawk) So Mote it be! (Shadow Hawk) Two figures walk to the altar, and the power surrounds them. (Shadow Hawk) with wure hands they take up the tools of Power, and begin to speak... (Priestess) This is the time of the fulness of the symbol of our Lady , (Priestess) the Moon. All things wax and wane, and on this evening the (Priestess) powers of life, of magic, and of creation are at their (Priestess) highest. This is the time of building, of doing. it is a (Priestess) time when the veil between the mundane world and the strange (Priestess) and beautiful realms of elfhame becomes thin indeed. On (Priestess) this night may one transcend the boundaries of the worlds (Priestess) with ease, and know beauty and enchantment. (Priest) There is a magnificence to this time. The ancients knew well (Priest) of the mysteries of this night, and used them well to build (Priest) and to strengthen themselves.. and to partake of elvish (Priest) adventures of which we can have but little inkling. (Priest) Sensuous , mysterious, in human form, in (Priest) dramatic costume, in solid, soaring architecture, the lithe (Priest) suppleness of our animal brethren, the arrogant magnificence (Priest) of a spectacular landscape. And more.....much more. (Priest) This is a time for weaving of the inchoate into being, of (Priest) spinning the strands of space and of time to bring forth (Priest) Creation. For all does rotate, and turn about upon itself; (Priest) this is a fundamental principle of the universe, and a (Priest) mystery of the greatest magnitude. The Gods know of it and (Priest) we shall also. Weave a spell of Moonlight and fashion with (Priest) it a fabric of pure magical substance. (Priest) There is a challenge and a joy to building, and creating. (Priest) The joyous strife of a just battle, of the cascading passion (Priest) of lovemaking, and even to the birth-pangs in creating a new (Priest) life. there is the peace of Aphrodite that follows such as (Priest) these, a thoroughly fulfilling quietude. And it is easy, (Priest) really. very easy and the most natural of things. (Priestess) This is a time of travelling unseen in the full moonlight, a 2144 (Priestess) time for hearing of elfin music not made by humankind. It is (Priestess) a time for oneness with the forest, with the mountains, with (Priestess) the eternal and life-giving sea, with the warm rains and the (Priestess) bolt of lightning that creates the very spark of life. It (Priestess) is a time for pilgrimage to the holy of holies, to stand at (Priestess) last before the cauldron of our Lady and to see form, and (Priestess) substance, and being created anew once more. (Priestess) Hear the sound of the Circle Bell... (Priestess) (Repeat after Priestess) (Priestess) All hail, O goddess of the silver-rimmed cauldron. (Rilla) All hail, o goddess of the silver-rimmed cauldron. (Marc Tripp) All hail, O goddess of the silver-rimmed cauldron. (Jim Stay) All hail O Goddess of the silver-rimmed cauldron (Priestess) All hail, thou from whom all does come. (Kammy) all hail, o goddess of the silver-rimmed cauldron. (Many Blue Sparks) All hail, o goddess of the silver rimmed cauldron (Rilla) All hail, thou from whom all does come. (Kammy) all hail, thou from whom all does come. (Jim Stay) All Hail thou from whom all does come (Marc Tripp) All Hail, Thou from whom all does come. (Priestess) On this night do we give salutation to the magic of creation (Priestess) And to the ecstasy of the Gods. (Many Blue Sparks) All hail, thou from whom all does come. (Kammy) on this night doe we give salutation to the magic of creation (I.D.) All hail thou from whom all do3s come (Kammy) and to the ecstasy of the Gods. (Rilla) On this night do we give salutation to the magic of creation (Marc Tripp) On this night do we give salutation to the magic of creation and to the (Marc Tripp) ecstasy of the Gods (Rilla) and to the ecstasy of the Gods! (Priestess) (Smell the rising incense smoke and hear the circle bell) (Many Blue Sparks) On this night doe we give salutation to the magick of creation (Many Blue Sparks) and to the ecstasy of the Gods. (Priestess) O gracious and beautiful goddess, Teach us to weave magic, (Priestess) Show us thy ancient art to bring forth from chaos and from (Priestess) nothingness that which is Being itself teach us to draw from (Priestess) the Moon, to spin and to fashion fabric magical and pure; (Priestess) Insubstantial as dew, yet with the strength of iron. (Priest) O most excellent Lady, teach us of love, and of beauty, and (Priest) of sensuousness. (Priest) Teach us of daring, and of adventure. Show us of the (Priest) building of spells of the spinning and shaping of moonlight. (Priest) Lead our feet in the magical dances of power. Show to us the (Priest) paths between the worlds, To realms strange, and beautiful. (Priest) Lead us through mist and moonlight to places of crystalline (Priest) rainbow light. Groves of enchantment, thy hollow hills of (Priest) magic, and pools and lakes of mystery. 2145 (Priest) (hear the sounds of the bell) (Priestess) Teach us, O Lady of radiance To speak the language of the (Priestess) wilds, To fly with the freedom of the bird, To live with the (Priestess) power and grace of the feline, To know the ease, the (Priestess) beautiful ease of creating. And to know ecstasy and joy. To (Priestess) stir t he very heights of our being. (Priestess) BLESSED BE ! (Priestess) Prepare for Meditation. (Priestess) We are all seated comfortably on cushions near a large (Priestess) mirror. It is night, and the moon is full. We stand up (Priestess) where we are, and stepping out of our bodies, leave them (Priestess) resting comfortably behind. We go to the mirror and look (Priestess) through; we can see through to the other side and make out a (Priestess) moonlit grassy hill beyond, rising before us, We step (Priestess) through and fins ourselves in a warm moonlit night. a path (Priestess) stretches off to the right across a broad grassy meadow. We (Priestess) look back briefly and see the portal of our mirror, with the (Priestess) candle lights on the other side; it will be here open and (Priestess) waiting for us on our return. We start up the path in the (Priestess) bright, full moonlight... (Priestess) In the distance ahead of us we see forest covered hills, the (Priestess) sky is bright with many stars. the wind moans softly in the (Priestess) tall grasses, there is the smell of pine on the air, on (Priestess) either side the mist lies low upon the ground, we continue (Priestess) across the meadow turning until the forest lies off to one (Priestess) side, ahead of us now we see scattered fruit trees, through (Priestess) which we walk. the grass underfoot is wet with dew, our (Priestess) robes drift in the gentle breeze, the ground begins to rise (Priestess) before us and the air is full of the sounds of night birds (Priestess) and crickets. we move tirelessly up the slight incline, (Priestess) seeming to barely touch the ground, fireflies flicker (Priestess) briefly in the distance as we move through the shadows (Priestess) beneath the trees, our movements almost soundless, patches (Priestess) of moonlight cast our shadows, rainbow rimmed on the wet (Priestess) grass. (Priestess) We glance back and, far behind we can see the rolling hills (Priestess) and on the horizon, what seem to be the flickering of a (Priestess) distant thunderstorm, the clouds far away, above us the sky (Priestess) is clear, the moonlight bright. Mist drifts in patches over (Priestess) the meadow, w e pass on through it. there is the heady (Priestess) perfume of flowers, the smell of grass and trees, small (Priestess) animals rustle near us. we move quickly and silently on, (Priestess) passing through the trees like moonbeams, haloes about our 2146 (Priestess) shadows. almost as if there were others with us.. but we (Priestess) cannot make them out. The forest closes in as we progress, (Priestess) ahead we make out the what seems to be the entrance to a (Priestess) cave, with a soft multicoloured glow within. (Priestess) As we approach we see what appear to be glistening miner- als (Priestess) encrusting the rock about the entrance to the cave. We hear (Priestess) sounds of soft music from within, rainbow colours flash (Priestess) colouring the wisps of mist which drift before it. We step (Priestess) inside... (Priestess) We seem to be wrapped in soft misty light. We notice the (Priestess) aroma of sweet flowers. Ahead is a pool of crystal clear (Priestess) water, catching all the colours, shimmering rainbow mists (Priestess) rise from it. next to the pool a path leads to the right and (Priestess) we follow it. There are other pools in small chambers about (Priestess) the cave, they appear as mirrors to other worlds and other (Priestess) times, the sound of soft music fills the air. Jewel-like (Priestess) minerals are everywhere, the path leads upwards through the (Priestess) rock, to a chamber where we see a great cauldron, mist rises (Priestess) from it encrusting the rim with glistening beads, soft (Priestess) whispering can now be heard. We stop and hold up our hands (Priestess) before the cauldron, fine sparkles of light fly from our (Priestess) fingers, and as we weave patterns with our hands we see, for (Priestess) a moment, a pattern of light of our creation take form, then (Priestess) dissolve to be reality elsewhere. the mist rises thickly (Priestess) from the cauldron and we step forward and peer into it, as (Priestess) through gazing into a mirror we see images of ourselves, an (Priestess) d as we gaze these images appear to change, we become better (Priestess) healthier, more perfect, with fiery glowing auras, our- selves (Priestess) improving within and without. (Priestess) We step back and throw a kiss toward the cauldron, spar- kles (Priestess) of light explode in the air, we look and listen for a while, (Priestess) then turn and begin to retrace our steps.... (Priestess) Once again we pass through the chamber of the pools, with (Priestess) its glistening jewels an d soft music, out into the bright (Priestess) moonlight the forested hillside about us, behind us the (Priestess) cave entrance, down through the trees we pass across the (Priestess) meadow, with its whispering grasses and gleaming fire- flies, (Priestess) our robes floating gossamer upon the air, silently we move. (Priestess) Ahead on the horizon the storm flashes, small creatures 2147 (Priestess) rustle in the grasses, our shadows move with us haloed in (Priestess) moonlight, we move rapidly through the trees and across the (Priestess) meadow, ahead we see the faint glimmer of our own portal, (Priestess) growing larger, brighter as we approach. we stop before it (Priestess) and look around, one last look at the moonlit meadow, the (Priestess) forest, the hills , the fireflies, the mist. Then we step (Priestess) through. We are in the circle again. We go to our bodies (Priestess) and settle comfortably down within them. We have retur- ned. (Priestess) I call Rilla (Priestess) Rilla, enter into the Center of the Circle! (Rilla) I enter into the center of the circle (Priestess) Children of the night, send forth your power to this our (Priestess) Sister, that she feel the relief of our touch. (Priestess) (visualize healing fire flowing from your hands to Rilla) (Priestess) (and that any aches and pains are melted away and flow (Priestess) into the ground for transmutation) (Priestess) Rilla, when you feel full of power, earth the extra part... (Rilla) (Priestess) and return to your place in the Circle. (Rilla) ... (Rilla) (Rilla) .... (Rilla) I thank you... (Rilla) Blessed Be... (Rilla) (Priestess) Blessed Be! (Priestess) Is there any others that have a boon to ask tonight in this (Priestess) Night of Power? (Rilla) I ask a boon. (Rilla) To send the healing power we have gathered here... (Rilla) to our brother, Otter... (Rilla) so that he may feel our love and healing touch. (Priestess) We concentrate on the center of the Circle... (Priestess) and a shadowy figure forms. The shape of Otter (Priestess) takes form, and once again, the Healing Fire reaches (Priestess) out to touch and caress. (Priest) The figure waves it's thanks, and gradually fades away, leaving (Priest) behind the echoes of it's Blessed Be! (Priest) Are there any other boons or wishes? (Rilla) Healing for those not with us? (Rilla) Berrywine, our sister... (Rilla) and Alexandra too. (Priest) Heh, We are deep enough for that too. (Priest) We spread the circle, and many shapes and forms (Priest) begin to appear. Brothers and Sisters that cannot (Priest) be here in the Now, but that are always with us. (Priest) And once more, with a rumbling from deep in the earth... (Priest) the Healing Fire once more flows forth, and lightning (Priest) cracks across the sky in response, power to power... (Priest) and the shadowy figures straighten up, lose their pain, 2148 (Priest) and smiling, slowly fade away. Blessed Be. (Priestess) Any others? (Priestess) Any items to be charged? We accept Goddess Charge and Lady Visa (grin) (I.D.) for Brad... (Shadow Hawk) I have a request, I have a wand that I picked up in the Isle of Man (Shadow Hawk) a wand of Ash from a mountain that our brothers and sisters died on (Shadow Hawk) during the Burning Times. I would like to charge it with the energy (Shadow Hawk) of the night. I place it on the altar in the center of the Circle... (Priest) Visualize the Fire flowing once more, not healing, but bonding (Priest) with power, sealing the Wand to do the Lady's Will. (Priest) So mote it be! (Priestess) Any others? (Rilla) Ingrid mentioned Brad.... (Rick B) Charge his monitor! (Priestess) Then we continue, please take your chalice and bread. (Rilla) who is not with us except in his heart ...and would be if he could! (Priestess) (lift your chalice) (I.D.) Who needs peace!! (Priestess) O Goddess of beauty, and of Magnificence, O God of laugh- ter (Priestess) and joyous strength. (Priestess) Cast now thy blessings on this feast of sacrament. That we (Priestess) may honour thee, and learn of thy mysteries of life, of (Priestess) magic of creating. Blessed Be ! (Priest) Eat now of the gifts of the earth. ever new, ever fresh, (Priest) ever excellent, know well that the power of life to come (Priest) forth is beyond bounds in time and space. (Priest) Eat now of the bread before you. of the grain that forms a (Priest) link with the most ancient of living things And with the (Priest) grain that shall sprout and grow for countless eons to come. (Priest) Know well that to abide, life must draw vitality and power (Priest) from the earth. (Priest) Eat, and know of creation enduring. (Priest) Drink now of the sweet wine before you, symbol of the light (Priest) and beautiful magic, which opens the portals to the realms (Priest) of enchantment. Know that music, and the lure of the (Priest) mysterious is the sweetness and most intoxicating of all (Priest) human experience. (Priest) Drink, and know of elvish magic. (Priestess) I bid you now, finish that which ye have, and meditate upon (Priestess) the significance of that which has been said. (Shadow Hawk) Gracious Goddess, thank you for being here tonight... (Shadow Hawk) thank you for your Love and your touch and the light (Shadow Hawk) you send to show us the Path in the Dark. Blessed Be! (Shadow Hawk) Mighty God, thank you for being here tonight... (Shadow Hawk) Thank you for you Love and your strength and the power 2149 (Shadow Hawk) to find the strength to walk this Path in the Dark. Blessed Be! (Marc Tripp) (Marc Tripp) Powers of Air, (Marc Tripp) Place of Dawn, (Marc Tripp) Guardian of the Gate I pledge my Air to Thine! (Marc Tripp) Depart in peace to whence ye came (Marc Tripp) Until we meet Again (Marc Tripp) (Marc Tripp) Powers of Earth (Marc Tripp) Place of deepest Night, (Marc Tripp) Guardian of the Gate, I pledge my Earth to thine! (Marc Tripp) Depart in peace to whence ye came. (Marc Tripp) Until We meet again. (Marc Tripp) (Marc Tripp) Powers of Water (Marc Tripp) Place of the Setting Sun, (Marc Tripp) Guardian of the Gate, I pledge my Water to thine. (Marc Tripp) Depart in peace to whence ye came. (Marc Tripp) Until we meet again! (Marc Tripp) (Marc Tripp) Powers of Fire, (Marc Tripp) Place of the Highest Sun, (Marc Tripp) Guardian of the Gate, I pledge my Fire to thine! (Marc Tripp) Depart in peace to whence ye came. (Marc Tripp) Until we meet again. (Marc Tripp)