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"NEAR Fermoy is a very peculiar variety of these early structures, being en oblong building constructed with large blocks of limestone of the locality. It contains an internal chamber, from twenty to thirty feet long, five feet wide, and at the present time about four feet high; the side walls are near five feet thick, constructed with two rows of upright stones on edge, and the interior is filled with smaller stones, forming a wall; the front has only a row of thin upright stones, but fitting nearly close together; the covering stones rest on rude horizontal stones, which are placed on the wall before described, and which would appear to have been of insufficient height, and on those are three large covering stones, one of which is about eighteen feet long." [a]

[a] "Practical Geology and Ancient Architecture of Ireland." By George Wilkinson, architect.

Next: The Giant of Nancledry; and Trebiggan the Giant