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 MARGERY PENWARNE, a paralysed woman, about fifty years of age, though from her affliction looking some ten years older, sat in the church porch of St --, and presented her outstretched withered arm and open palm to the congregation as they left the house of God after the morning service.

 Penny after penny fell into her hand, though Margery never opened her lips. All appeared to know the purpose, and thirty pennies were speedily collected. Presently the parson came with his family, and then she spoke for the first time, soliciting the priest to change the copper coins into one silver one. This wish was readily acceded to, and the paralytic woman hobbled into the church, and up the aisle to the altar rails. A few words passed between her and the clerk; she was admitted within the rails, and the clerk moved the communion-table from against the wall, that she might walk round it, which she did three times.

 "Now," said Margery, "with God's blessing, I shall be cured; my blessed bit of silver must be made into a ring" (this was ad-dressed to the clerk, half aside); "and within three weeks after it is on my finger I shall get the use of my limbs again."

 This charm is common throughout the three western counties for the cure of rheumatism,--the Devonshire halt,--or for any contraction of the limbs.

Next: A Cure for Rheumatism