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In thee five yeras since thee first edition ov this booklet was published thee Temple has grown immeasurably through thee l-ov-e, trust and dedication ov those who care. Thee aim ov this extensively revised edition is to bring this energy we have gained, this l-ov-e we know, this magickal journey we share, to a new and wider circle. We know that those in contact with thee Temple are dedicated to a vision ov a fiercely Individual mode ov life, and it is our deepest desire that this dedication be given every opportunity to find expression in thee face ov thee cynical and reactionary hand ov Control. Thee method could not be simpler, and its potency cannot be denied. Thee Temple seeks to return to thee Individual all that is truly theirs, to awaken thee reality ov dreams, and to crush thee imposed con-ditioning ov a society scared to look itself in thee mirror, scared to place life ahead ov death.

No matter what difficulties we face from those who would deny us our way, thee Temple will continue to use every means at its disposal to ensure that we are not thwarted. And thee most powerful weapon we have is thee Sigil, thee magickal process by which we charge our dreams and desires, and make manifest their living beauty. It is to thee Sigil that this book is dedicated, and to all those who know.

Everyone who is active in thee Temple, who has freely given their coumitment to its aims, realises that this is no part-time easy answer that we give. It is a case ov total coumitment; butter there is also no-one in thee Temple who has not found that through this coumitment coums a new and vital energy that makes thee sacrifice an act ov L-ov-e, a way ov living that brings its own reward through thee development ov strength, purpose, and ov freedom from all that denies us our Destiny.

Thee TOPY network spans thee western hemisphere, its aim to create an alternative system ov Information Exchange to counter thee spread ov lies disseminated by thee mass media and thee governments ov Control. And thee growth ov thee network, thee continual development ov new Access Points in thee U.K., Europe and America is proof that we are winning. Lines ov coummunication grow stronger daily as we share with each other thee experiences we have gained, thee lessons we have learnt, thee l-ov-e and anger we feel. So it is with thee Sigil. Just as we work to share all that is important to us with you, so by sharing your experiences with us we can all move ahead together as Individuals; not as sheep who follow unthinkingly.

It is always a question ov independence. We are not here to convince thee doubters, to dominate thee weak, to act as crutch or place ov refuge. We are not saviours or dogmatists. Everything that is gained is from within thee Individual, only it was previously asleep. We simply help to awaken thee truth ov desire, and by thee development ov individual thought and responsibility show how it is possible to act on that knowledge.

Our system is functional: that is, it works. And thee result ov this is that we each find our own way, not dictated to by others. We remain linked by friendship, not by need; a friendship born ov true understanding and not simply thee freak ov circumstance.

Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth is a network ov Individuals. That is how it should be, and that is thee only requirement.