BeyondWeird  Esoteric  Eliphas Levi 


by Éliphas Lévi


This was the first of Lévi's books to be translated into English. The original French version was published in 1856. This translation (by an unknown hand) was first published in 1883 by the Theosophical Society, and re-issued in 1922, with additional extensive footnotes by 'an Eminent Occultist' (herein, E.O.). The identity of E.O. is unknown, but it is believed from the style and views expressed that it was none other than Helena P. Blavatsky.

Title Page
Preface to the 1922 Second Edition
Foreword to the 1922 Second Edition

The Paradoxes of the Highest Science

Paradox I.--Religion Is Magic Sanctioned
Paradox II.--Liberty is Obedience to the Law
Paradox III.--Love is the Realisation of the Impossible
Paradox IV.--Knowledge is the Ignorance or Negation of Evil
Paradox V.--Reason Is God
Paradox VI.--The Imagination Realises What It Invents
Paradox VII.--The Will Accomplishes Everything, Which It Does Not Desire

Synthetic Recapitulation

Magic and Magism
The Great Secret