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In the next ceremony there were presented as a Shebu offering a Tua cake and a Shens cake, and the Kher heb said:--

"Let there be praise to thee and to thy KA, O Osiris,


The Sem priest presenting the Tua cake and the Shens cake.


which hath been cut away from the hand of him that doeth violence to the dead. O Unas, thou hast received these thy bread-cakes, which are from the Eye of Horus.

"Osiris Unas, the Eye of Horus hath been presented unto thee, [that is to say,] that which hath been mixed together for thee by it, so that thou mayest be filled with that which hath been pressed out and hath

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come forth from thee." This sentence was recited four times.

The presentation of the following offerings then took place; each object was offered to the mummy (or,

statue) four times, and each formula was recited by the Kher heb four times.

Next: The Fiftieth Ceremony