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(4.1110-1120) Thus he spake, and at once sleep laid him to rest. And she stored up in her heart the word of wisdom, and straightway rose from her couch and went through the palace; and her handmaids came hasting together, eagerly tending their mistress. But quietly she summoned her herald and addressed him, in her prudence urging Aeson's son to wed the maiden, and not to implore Alcinous; for he himself, she said, will decree to the Colchians that if she is still a maid he will deliver her up to be borne to her father's house, but that if she shares a husband's bed he will not sever her from wedded love.

1110     Ὧς ἄρ' ἔφη: καὶ τὸν μέν ἐπισχεδὸν εὔνασεν ὕπνος.
1111 ἡ δ' ἔπος ἐν θυμῷ πυκινὸν βάλετ': αὐτίκα δ' ὦρτο
1112 ἐκ λεχέων ἀνὰ δῶμα: συνήιξαν δὲ γυναῖκες
1113 ἀμφίπολοι, δέσποιναν ἑὴν μέτα ποιπνύουσαι.
1114 σῖγα δ' ἑὸν κήρυκα καλεσσαμένη προσέειπεν,
1115  ᾗσιν ἐπιφροσύνῃσιν ἐποτρυνέουσα μιγῆναι
1116 Αἰσονίδην κούρῃ, μηδ' Ἀλκίνοον βασιλῆα
1117 λίσσεσθαι: τὸ γὰρ αὐτὸς ἰὼν Κόλχοισι δικάσσει,
1118 παρθενικὴν μὲν έοῦσαν ἑοῦ ποτὶ δώματα πατρὸς
1119 ἐκδώσειν, λέκτρον δὲ σὺν ἀνέρι πορσαίνουσαν
1120  οὐκέτι κουριδίης μιν ἀποτμήξειν φιλότητος.

(4.1121-1127) Thus she spake, and quickly from the hall his feet bore him, that he might declare to Jason the fair-omened speech of Arete and the counsel of godfearing Alcinous. And he found the heroes watching in full armour in the haven of Hyllus, near the city; and out he spake the whole message; and each hero's heart rejoiced; for the word that he spake was welcome.

1121     Ὧς ἄρ' ἔφη: τὸν δ' αἶψα πόδες φέρον ἐκ μεγάροιο,
1122 ὥς κεν Ἰήσονι μῦθον ἐναίσιμον ἀγγείλειεν
1123 Ἀρήτης βουλάς τε θεουδέος Ἀλκινόοιο.
1124 τοὺς δ' εὗρεν παρὰ νηὶ σὺν ἔντεσιν ἐγρήσσοντας
1125  Ὑλλικῷ ἐν λιμένι, σχεδὸν ἄστεος: ἐκ δ' ἄρα πᾶσαν
1126 πέφραδεν ἀγγελίην: γήθησε δὲ θυμὸς ἑκάστου
1127 ἡρώων: μάλα γάρ σφιν ἑαδότα μῦθον ἔειπεν.

(4.1128-1169) And straightway they mingled a bowl to the blessed ones, as is right, and reverently led sheep to the altar, and for that very night prepared for the maiden the bridal couch in the sacred cave, where once dwelt Macris, the daughter of Aristaeus, lord of honey, who discovered the works of bees and the fatness of the olive, the fruit of labour. She it was that first received in her bosom the Nysean son of Zeus in Abantian Euboea, and with honey moistened his parched lips when Hermes bore him out of the flame. And Hera beheld it, and in wrath drove her from the whole island. And she accordingly came to dwell far off, in the sacred cave of the Phaeacians, and granted boundless wealth to the inhabitants. There at that time did they spread a mighty couch; and thereon they laid the glittering fleece of gold, that so the marriage might be made honoured and the theme of song. And for them nymphs gathered flowers of varied hue and bore them thither in their white bosoms; and a splendour as of flame played round them all, such a light gleamed from the golden tufts. And in their eyes it kindled a sweet longing; yet for all her desire, awe withheld each one from laying her hand thereon. Some were called daughters of the river Aegaeus; others dwelt round the crests of the Meliteian mount; and others were woodland nymphs from the plains. For Hera herself, the spouse of Zeus, had sent them to do honour to Jason. That cave is to this day called the sacred cave of Medea, where they spread the fine and fragrant linen and brought these two together. And the heroes in their hands wielded their spears for war, lest first a host of foes should burst upon them for battle unawares, and, their heads enwreathed with leafy sprays, all in harmony, while Orpheus' harp rang clear, sang the marriage song at the entrance to the bridal chamber. Yet not in the house of Alcinous was the hero, Aeson's son, minded to complete his marriage, but in his father's hall when he had returned home to Ioleus; and such was the mind of Medea herself; but necessity led them to wed at this time. For never in truth do we tribes of woe-stricken mortals tread the path of delight with sure foot; but still some bitter affliction keeps pace with our joy. Wherefore they too, though their souls were melted with sweet love, were held by fear, whether the sentence of Alcinous would be fulfilled.

1128     Αὐτίκα δὲ κρητῆρα κερασσάμενοι μακάρεσσιν,
1129 ἣ θέμις, εὐαγέως ἐπιβώμια μῆλ' ἐρύσαντες,
1130  αὐτονυχὶ κούρῃ θαλαμήιον ἔντυον εὐνὴν
1131 ἄντρῳ ἐν ἠγαθέῳ, τόθι δή ποτε Μάκρις ἔναιεν,
1132 κούρη Ἀρισταίοιο μελίφρονος, ὅς ῥα μελισσέων
1133 ἔργα πολυκμήτοιό τ' ἀνεύρατο πῖαρ ἐλαίης.
1134 κείνη δὴ πάμπρωτα Διὸς Νυσήιον υἷα
1135  Εὐβοίης ἔντοσθεν Ἀβαντίδος ᾧ ἐνὶ κόλπῳ
1136 δέξατο, καὶ μέλιτι ξηρὸν περὶ χεῖλος ἔδευσεν,
1137 εὖτέ μιν Ἑρμείας φέρεν ἐκ πυρός: ἔδρακε δ' Ἥρη,
1138 καί ἑ χολωσαμένη πάσης ἐξήλασε νήσου.
1139 ἡ δ' ἄρα Φαιήκων ἱερῷ ἐνὶ τηλόθεν ἄντρῳ
1140  νάσσατο, καὶ πόρεν ὄλβον ἀθέσφατον ἐνναέτῃσιν.
1141 ἔνθα τότ' ἐστόρεσαν λέκτρον μέγα: τοῖο δ' ὕπερθεν
1142 χρύσεον αἰγλῆεν κῶας βάλον, ὄφρα πέλοιτο
1143 τιμήεις τε γάμος καὶ ἀοίδιμος. ἄνθεα δέ σφιν
1144 νύμφαι ἀμεργόμεναι λευκοῖς ἐνὶ ποικίλα κόλποις
1145  ἐσφόρεον: πάσας δὲ πυρὸς ὣς ἄμφεπεν αἴγλη:
1146 τοῖον ἀπὸ χρυσέων θυσάνων ἀμαρύσσετο φέγγος.
1147 δαῖε δ' ἐν ὀφθαλμοῖς γλυκερὸν πόθον: ἴσχε δ' ἑκάστην
1148 αἰδὼς ἱεμένην περ ὅμως ἐπὶ χεῖρα βαλέσθαι.
1149 αἱ μέν τ' Αἰγαίου ποταμοῦ καλέοντο θύγατρες:
1150  αἱ δ' ὄρεος κορυφὰς Μελιτηίου ἀμφενέμοντο:
1151 αἱ δ' ἔσαν ἐκ πεδίων ἀλσηίδες. ὦρσε γὰρ αὐτὴ
1152 Ἥρη Ζηνὸς ἄκοιτις, Ἰήσονα κυδαίνουσα.
1153 κεῖνο καὶ εἰσέτι νῦν ἱερὸν κληίζεται ἄντρον
1154 Μηδείης, ὅθι τούσγε σὺν ἀλλήλοισιν ἔμιξαν
1155  τεινάμεναι ἑανοὺς εὐώδεας. οἱ δ' ἐνὶ χερσὶν
1156 δούρατα νωμήσαντες ἀρήια, μὴ πρὶν ἐς ἀλκὴν
1157 δυσμενέων ἀίδηλος ἐπιβρίσειεν ὅμιλος,
1158 κράατα δ' εὐφύλλοις ἐστεμμένοι ἀκρεμόνεσσιν,
1159 ἐμμελέως, Ὀρφῆος ὑπαὶ λίγα φορμίζοντος
1160  νυμφιδίαις ὑμέναιον ἐπὶ προμολῇσιν ἄειδον.
1161 οὐ μὲν ἐν Ἀλκινόοιο γάμον μενέαινε τελέσσαι
1162 ἥρως Αἰσονίδης, μεγάροις δ' ἐνὶ πατρὸς ἑοῖο,
1163 νοστήσας ἐς Ἰωλκὸν ὑπότροπος: ὧς δὲ καὶ αὐτὴ
1164 Μήδεια φρονέεσκε: τότ' αὖ χρεὼ ἦγε μιγῆναι.
1165  ἀλλὰ γὰρ οὔποτε φῦλα δυηπαθέων ἀνθρώπων
1166 τερπωλῆς ἐπέβημεν ὅλῳ ποδί: σὺν δέ τις αἰεὶ
1167 πικρὴ παρμέμβλωκεν ἐυφροσύνῃσιν ἀνίη.
1168 τῶ καὶ τοὺς γλυκερῇ περ ἰαινομένους φιλότητι
1169 δεῖμ' ἔχεν, εἰ τελέοιτο διάκρισις Ἀλκινόοιο.

(4.1170-1227) Now dawn returning with her beams divine scattered the gloomy night through the sky; and the island beaches laughed out and the paths over the plains far off, drenched with dew, and there was a din in the streets; the people were astir throughout the city, and far away the Colchians were astir at the bounds of the isle of Macris. And straightway to them went Alcinous, by reason of his covenant, to declare his purpose concerning the maiden, and in his hand he held a golden staff, his staff of justice, whereby the people had righteous judgments meted out to them throughout the city. And with him in order due and arrayed in their harness of war went marching, band by band, the chiefs of the Phaeacians. And from the towers came forth the women in crowds to gaze upon the heroes; and the country folk came to meet them when they heard the news, for Hera had sent forth a true report. And one led the chosen ram of his flock, and another a heifer that had never toiled; and others set hard by jars of wine for mixing; and the smoke of sacrifice leapt up far away. And women bore fine linen, the fruit of much toil, as women will, and gifts of gold and varied ornaments as well, such as are brought to newly-wedded brides; and they marvelled when they saw the shapely forms and beauty of the gallant heroes, and among them the son of Oeagrus, oft beating the ground with gleaming sandal, to the time of his loud-ringing lyre and song. And all the nymphs together, whenever he recalled the marriage, uplifted the lovely bridal-chant; and at times again they sang alone as they circled in the dance, Hera, in thy honour; for it was thou that didst put it into the heart of Arete to proclaim the wise word of Alcinous. And as soon as he had uttered the decree of his righteous judgement, and the completion of the marriage had been proclaimed, he took care that thus it should abide fixed; and no deadly fear touched him nor Aeetes' grievous wrath, but he kept his judgement fast bound by unbroken oaths. So when the Colchians learnt that they were beseeching in vain and he bade them either observe his judgements or hold their ships away from his harbours and land, then they began to dread the threats of their own king and besought Alcinous to receive them as comrades; and there in the island long time they dwelt with the Phaeacians, until in the course of years, the Bacchiadae, a race sprung from Ephyra, settled among them; and the Colchians passed to an island opposite; and thence they were destined to reach the Ceraunian hills of the Abantes, and the Nestaeans and Oricum; but all this was fulfilled after long ages had passed. And still the altars which Medea built on the spot sacred to Apollo, god of shepherds, receive yearly sacrifices in honour of the Fates and the Nymphs. And when the Minyae departed many gifts of friendship did Alcinous bestow, and many Arete; moreover she gave Medea twelve Phaeacian handmaids from the palace, to bear her company. And on the seventh day they left Drepane; and at dawn came a fresh breeze from Zeus. And onward they sped borne along by the wind's breath. Howbeit not yet was it ordained for the heroes to set foot on Achaea, until they had toiled even in the furthest bounds of Libya.

1170      Ἠὼς δ' ἀμβροσίοισιν ἀνερχομένη φαέεσσιν
1171 λῦε κελαινὴν νύκτα δι' ἠέρος: αἱ δ' ἐγέλασσαν
1172 ἠιόνες νήσοιο καὶ ἑρσήεσσαι ἄπωθεν
1173 ἀτραπιτοὶ πεδίων: ἐν δὲ θρόος ἔσκεν ἀγυιαῖς:
1174 κίνυντ' ἐνναέται μὲν ἀνὰ πτόλιν, οἱ δ' ἀποτηλοῦ
1175  Κόλχοι Μακριδίης ἐπὶ πείρασι χερνήσοιο.
1176 αὐτίκα δ' Ἀλκίνοος μετεβήσετο συνθεσίῃσιν
1177 ὃν νόον ἐξερέων κούρης ὕπερ: ἐν δ' ὅγε χειρὶ
1178 σκῆπτρον ἔχεν χρυσοῖο δικασπόλον, ᾧ ὕπο λαοὶ
1179 ἰθείας ἀνὰ ἄστυ διεκρίνοντο θέμιστας.
1180  τῷ δὲ καὶ ἑξείης πολεμήια τεύχεα δύντες
1181 Φαιήκων οἱ ἄριστοι ὁμιλαδὸν ἐστιχόωντο.
1182 ἥρωας δὲ γυναῖκες ἀολλέες ἔκτοθι πύργων
1183 βαῖνον ἐποψόμεναι: σὺν δ' ἀνέρες ἀγροιῶται
1184 ἤντεον εἰσαΐοντες, ἐπεὶ νημερτέα βάξιν
1185  Ἥρη ἐπιπροέηκεν. ἄγεν δ' ὁ μὲν ἔκκριτον ἄλλων
1186 ἀρνειὸν μήλων, ὁ δ' ἀεργηλὴν ἔτι πόρfιν:
1187 ἄλλοι δ' ἀμφιφορῆας ἐπισχεδὸν ἵστασαν οἴνου
1188 κίρνασθαι: θυέων δ' ἀποfηλόθι κήκιε λιγνύς.
1189 αἱ δὲ πολυκμήτους ἑανοὺς φέρον, οἷα γυναῖκες,
1190  μείλιά τε χρυσοῖο καὶ ἀλλοίην ἐπὶ τοῖσιν
1191 ἀγλαΐην, οἵην τε νεόζυγες ἐντύνονται:
1192 θάμβευν δ' εἰσορόωσαι ἀριπρεπέων ἡρώων
1193 εἴδεα καὶ μορφάς, ἐν δέ σφισιν Οἰάγροιο
1194 υἱὸν ὑπαὶ φόρμιγγος ἐυκρέκτου καὶ ἀοιδῆς
1195  ταρφέα σιγαλόεντι πέδον κροτέοντα πεδίλῳ.
1196 νύμφαι δ' ἄμμιγα πᾶσαι, ὅτε μνήσαιτο γάμοιο,
1197 ἱμερόενθ' ὑμέναιον ἀνήπυον: ἄλλοτε δ' αὖτε
1198 οἰόθεν οἶαι ἄειδον ἑλισσόμεναι περὶ κύκλον,
1199 Ἥρη, σεῖο ἕκητι: σὺ γὰρ καὶ ἐπὶ φρεσὶ θῆκας
1200  Ἀρήτῃ, πυκινὸν φάσθαι ἔπος Ἀλκινόοιο.
1201 αὐτὰρ ὅγ' ὡς τὰ πρῶτα δίκης ἀνὰ πείρατ' ἔειπεν
1202 ἰθείης, ἤδη δὲ γάμου τέλος ἐκλήιστο,
1203 ἔμπεδον ὧς ἀλέγυνε διαμπερές: οὐδέ ἑ τάρβος
1204 οὐλοόν, οὐδὲ βαρεῖαι ἐπήλυθον Αἰήταο
1205  μήνιες, ἀρρήκτοισι δ' ἐνιζεύξας ἔχεν ὅρκοις.
1206 τῶ καὶ ὅτ' ἠλεμάτως Κόλχοι μάθον ἀντιόωντες,
1207 καί σφεας ἠὲ θέμιστας ἑὰς εἴρυσθαι ἄνωγεν,
1208 ἢ λιμένων γαίης τ' ἀποτηλόθι νῆας ἐέργειν,
1209 δὴ τότε μιν βασιλῆος ἑοῦ τρομέοντας ἐνιπὰς
1210  δέχθαι μειλίξαντο συνήμονας: αὖθι δὲ νήσῳ
1211 δὴν μάλα Φαιήκεσσι μετ' ἀνδράσι ναιετάασκον,
1212 εἰσότε Βακχιάδαι, γενεὴν Ἐφύρηθεν ἐόντες,
1213 ἀνέρες ἐννάσσαντο μετὰ χρόνον: οἱ δὲ περαίην
1214 νῆσον ἔβαν: κεῖθεν δὲ Κεραύνια μέλλον Ἀβάντων
1215  οὔρεα, Νεσταίους τε καὶ Ὤρικον εἰσαφικέσθαι:
1216 ἀλλὰ τὰ μὲν στείχοντος ἄδην αἰῶνος ἐτύχθη.
1217 Μοιράων δ' ἔτι κεῖσε θύη ἐπέτεια δέχονται
1218 καὶ Νυμφέων Νομίοιο καθ' ἱερὸν ̓Λπόλλωνος
1219 βωμοί, τοὺς Μήδεια καθίσσατο. πολλὰ δ' ἰοῦσιν
1220  ̓Λλκίνοος Μινύαις ξεινήια, πολλὰ δ' ὄπασσεν
1221 ̓Λρήτη: μετὰ δ' αὖτε δυώδεκα δῶκεν ἕπεσθαι
1222 Μηδείῃ δμωὰς Φαιηκίδας ἐκ μεγάροιο.
1223 ἤματι δ' ἑβδομάτῳ Δρεπάνην λίπον: ἤλυθε δ' οὖρος
1224 ἀκραὴς ἠῶθεν ὑπὲκ Διός: οἱ δ' ἀνέμοιο
1225  πνοιῇ ἐπειγόμ̣̣ἰοι προτέρω θέον. ἀλλὰ γὰρ οὔπω
1226 αἴσιμον ἦν ἐπιβῆναι Ἀχαιίδος ἡρώεσσιν,
1227 ὄφρ' ἔτι καὶ Λιβύης ἐπὶ πείρασιν ὀτλήσειαν.

Next: line 1228